YunoHost-Apps / freshrss_ynh

FreshRSS package for YunoHost
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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You don’t have permission to access this page [HTTP Remote-User=] #140

Open mhfowler opened 2 years ago

mhfowler commented 2 years ago

After installing FreshRss,

on navigating to domain.tld,

I see the error message:

Error 403 - Forbidden
You don’t have permission to access this page [HTTP Remote-User=]


Steps to reproduce

kannthus commented 2 years ago


I had the same issue and eventually noticed when you install the app, you need to ensure that "Should this app be exposed to anonymous visitors?" is set to No. image

Otherwise, you will get this 403 issue, this does not cause any issues with the API, so don't fret.

pepeciseaux commented 1 year ago

Same issue here, it seems.



pepeciseaux commented 1 year ago


  1. set auth mode to 'none' in FreshRSS config file (that was /var/www/freshrss/data/config.php for me)
  2. go to the web page of the app, you are logged in
  3. in the app go to Authentication and set to "Use a form" or something like that
  4. log in through the app home page

⁽*⁾ At least that worked for me. Based on this tip.

It might be useful to note that in this Authentication menu the option "HTTP" was shaded (grey text). Indeed HTTP auth mode was the one activated initially, leading to the 403 error.

Now I can log in with the chosen password.

Edit 2024-05-07:

Between points 2 and 3 I initially wrote a step saying "in the app go to Profile and set a password". It seems unrelevant because I just used the workaround without doing that step and it worked.