YunoHost-Apps / friendica_ynh

Friendica package for YunoHost
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Upgrade to 2021.07~ynh2 broke Friendica very bad #59

Closed tio-trom closed 3 years ago

tio-trom commented 3 years ago

Ok so here are the logs

After the upgrade a few things happened:

  1. I lost the Admin access. As simple as that I had no admin rights.
  2. No local photos were displaying, only photos coming from other servers.
  3. The custom themes from friendica/view/frio/scheme that I made were deleted

I had to restore to a previous Friendica, the one before the git upgrade.

tio-trom commented 3 years ago

These 2 may be related, idk and

tio-trom commented 3 years ago

I have tried with this possible fix:

Here is the log:

sudo yunohost app upgrade friendica -u --force
Info: Now upgrading friendica...
Info: [+...................] > Loading installation settings...
Info: [#+++................] > Ensuring downward compatibility...
Info: [####++..............] > Backing up the app before upgrading (may take a while)...
Info: [######+.............] > Making sure dedicated system user exists...
Info: [#######+++..........] > Upgrading source files...
Warning: File /var/www/friendica/config/local.config.php has been manually modified since the installation or last upgrade. So it has been duplicated in /home/yunohost.conf/backup//var/www/friendica/config/local.config.php.backup.20210721.040035
Warning: --- /home/yunohost.conf/backup//var/www/friendica/config/local.config.php.backup.20210721.040035   2021-02-27 18:22:26.138698000 +0100
Warning: +++ /var/www/friendica/config/local.config.php 2021-07-21 04:00:36.315068017 +0200
Warning: @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
Warning:    // ****************************************************************
Warning:    'config' => [
Warning: -      'admin_email' => '*********',
Warning: +      'admin_email' => '*************',
Warning:        'sitename' => 'Friendica Social Network',
Warning: -      'register_policy' => \Friendica\Module\Register::CLOSED,
Warning: +      'register_policy' => \Friendica\Module\Register::OPEN,
Warning:        'register_text' => '',
Warning:    ],
Warning:    'system' => [
Info: [##########+.........] > Upgrading NGINX web server configuration...
Info: [###########++.......] > Upgrading PHP-FPM configuration...
Info: [#############+......] > Upgrading Cron configuration...
Info: [##############++++..] > Upgrading DB structure...
Info: [##################+.] > Reloading NGINX web server...
Info: [####################] > Upgrade of friendica completed
Success! friendica upgraded
Success! Upgrade complete

And the output is that Friendica is dead :) image

I am restoring it now. Thanks for trying and maybe the logs will help you.

anmol26s commented 3 years ago

Can you send the php logs when this happened? Did you had the custom theme when you last updated? And was it deleted then too?

I would suggest that first restore from snapshot. Then try to move the entire friendica to git manually. To be honest I had not tested the app manually. We strongly believe in continuous integration tests. Which was passing.

mr-eshua commented 3 years ago

We managed to upgrade our instance successfully with this fix:

tio-trom commented 3 years ago

Yup finally! @mr-eshua fixed it and now all seems to work! So awesome!

tio-trom commented 3 years ago

This fixed my friendica please merge the pull