YunoHost-Apps / gogs_ynh

Gogs package for YunoHost
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error Redirect #37

Closed stilobique closed 6 years ago

stilobique commented 6 years ago

Hi, i'm install the apps without not problem ; but i can use the service, i'm try to clone a repo with a Https and SSH way but all solution give an error.

Https Method: fatal: unable to update url base from redirection: asked for: redirect:

SSH Method: fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

With the SSH way, maybe i don't correctly setup the config (i need to check with your readme information), but why the https way don't work ? I can give more information if needed. Quickly > Yunohost 2.7.9 ; and use a subdomain.

Josue-T commented 6 years ago


Did you try to install the refactoring branch :

stilobique commented 6 years ago

Alright, i'm try that when i can ! Thanks

stilobique commented 6 years ago

Hum, i'm try with your refactoring branch, but same error ; i'm try without a subdomain and yes, it's working (with the https).

Josue-T commented 6 years ago


So if I have really underdstand : It work with https://domain.tld/subpath but not with https://domain.tld/ (on domain root) ?

stilobique commented 6 years ago

Hi, my english are not really good, sorry if i'm not clear ^^ . Well, i'm try with this configuration https://domain.tld/apps ; and yes it's ok -only an issue with the SSH setup, but it's my false, not about the apps (i think) ; however, i want use this url https://sub.domain.tld/apps, for and this way don't work, the Git show me the previous message.

Josue-T commented 6 years ago


Did you install the app as public or as privat ? Because while I see a redirection to the sso it look like a problem about the sso and mybe with the privat mode.

Maybe could you give the the content of /etc/ssowat/conf.json ?

Could you give me also the content of /var/log/gogs/gogs.log ?

stilobique commented 6 years ago

Hi, sorry about the time to give a answer ; i'm busy with a lot of job.

I'm reinstall yours apps with your latest version, it's functionnal with my subdomains ! I need to look the SSH fix -my public key has not functional i thinks ! But this ticket can be closed. Thnaks for your work.

Josue-T commented 6 years ago

About ssh, you need to add your public key in your gogs profile (generally in : https://domain.tld/subpath/user/settings/ssh). And after user for the authentication need to be gogs. So your ssh connection should look like something like gogs@domain.tld