YunoHost-Apps / jitsi_ynh

Video conference for YunoHost
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no video and audio, when connect two users #10

Closed AkselRocks closed 2 years ago

AkselRocks commented 4 years ago

When connecting a second user, there is no audio and video(black screen) from the other user - you just can see yourself.

used: Firefox 68, latest yunohost

With it works, so it has nothing to do with firefox. I checked the ports TCP/4443 and UDP/10000 and 4443 is open, 10000 is closed. I did not configure anything, but 4443 is already open.

I contacted my vServer provider and he tells me, that it is just me and my config, who can block ports. I do not think, that an extra DNS SRV entry is necessary. has no SRV entry in their dns config. ( yunohost firewall says port 10000 is open.

Does this help?

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

Have you tested with two Google Chrome ?

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

I made some test from a local lan, with Chrome video is OK, with Firefox not....

AkselRocks commented 4 years ago

No, I did not test with Chrome, because I want to avoid Google services (I just realized, that Google Chrome is with 80% (!!!) the most popular web browser! - that scares me!)

AkselRocks commented 4 years ago

The thing is: with it works! So it has to be a thing of the jitsi installation. different versions? additional packages?

AkselRocks commented 4 years ago

Sounds like this problem:

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

Well, I've made a test from outside of my network, with NAT, from two differents laptop, each one on a different internet connection

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

No, I did not test with Chrome, because I want to avoid Google services (I just realized, that Google Chrome is with 80% (!!!) the most popular web browser! - that scares me!)

I want to avoid too, but to move forward on tests, it would be helpfull

AkselRocks commented 4 years ago

I can not test with 2 Chrome browser,because I have only one laptop, but

Will make more tests with Chrome, when I use Windows

AkselRocks commented 4 years ago

Tests with Chrome:

AkselRocks commented 4 years ago

I reactivated an old Laptop: Test with 2 Chrome fail (+ asking for password !?)

AkselRocks commented 4 years ago

is there any progress?

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

Not for now, but still planned to work on it.

AkselRocks commented 4 years ago

Jitsi Meet is listed as Level 7, functioning and maintained. Did I miss something? Is there progress? Does jitsi meet work for anybody else using not google chrome?

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

Yes the automated package_check work and give the level 7. Event if I wasn't able to make it works with firefox...

I've tryed to update the package to a newer version but in that case even with chrome it doesn't work....

I've fully check the install steps without finding something missing...

Help will be appreciated...

nitrogenix commented 4 years ago

The firefox no sound / video issue is a known upstream bug:

I can also confirm specific yunohost issue. Tested between 2 chromium browsers and 2 chrome browsers (debian & fedora). All attempts fails on yunohost install. Everything works fine with

Lab-8916100448256 commented 4 years ago

I'm also having this issue. Not sure how I can help though

pedro-nonfree commented 4 years ago

Tried one-to-one conversation:

plslvval commented 4 years ago

I confirm with many tests on a server configuration behind NAT, only one to one P2P is working and requires chromiuim-browser (ubuntu case), i didn't drive tests on other platforms. It does not work in P2P with firefox. That means that jitsi-videobridge video relay is not used or not accessible from external or not working.

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

I've tryed to implement coturn, you can test it doing yunohost app install and let me know...

liberodark commented 4 years ago

Have try coturn but same no video / no sound

corturn just add this : image

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

I'm currently working on #43. using .deb file instead of compiling to speed up installation and comparing a native installation on a stretch to this new branch. an idea given by @Tagadda

liberodark commented 4 years ago

Im go to try fix_video branch

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

for the test I made this night, audio/video is still only working between max 2 chromium.

liberodark commented 4 years ago

For what only 2 ? and for what chrome too ? on official website Firefox work and 2 or 10 is same that work. Something must be missing

liberodark commented 4 years ago

your last branch fix_video fail is trying to add domain

343874 DEBUG + yunohost domain add 344476 WARNING The domain already exists Have make fork for fix that but for fix video need time to see how work this app.

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

yes it's because I don't have updated the readme. now you don't have to create all the sub-domains auth.; conference. jitsi-videobridge. and focus. you must remove them doing `yunohost domain remove auth....." for each of them

liberodark commented 4 years ago

Yes have see that...

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

For what only 2 ? and for what chrome too ? on official website Firefox work and 2 or 10 is same that work. Something must be missing

Yes something is missing: make work jitsi-videobridge

liberodark commented 4 years ago

Probably use unstable version better no ?

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

Probably use unstable version better no ?

Nothing regarding an unstable version....

I have installed jitsi-meet on a stretch and audio/video is working for 2+ including firefox That's why fix_video branch use the same .deb files just manually installed cause of prosody/metronome

liberodark commented 4 years ago

Step by step what is a diff on manual and your script ? If you expose that, probably help to find a solution.

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

idk... it would be solved if I knew... For now the only differences I've seen:

liberodark commented 4 years ago

when try to create room no access


Is a domain auth when is created is self signed need to install lets encrypt for fix

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

weird.. for me it works... you test between two chromium ?

liberodark commented 4 years ago

But same problem after fix this issue no video no sound only two

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

yes... like the test I made that night... it's all around jitsi-videobridge. Jitsi videobrige is used when you can't do p2p and you can't do p2p if you are more than 3 users or if you don't use Chromium because there is for now an issue for p2p in firefox...

liberodark commented 4 years ago

Your script only create : no more

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

yes other domain creation are not neeeded

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

In #43 I've completly reworked the installation process to use .deb files and to be closest of a jitsi-meet installation aka In this branch, no need to create all the sub-domains. If you created them, you should remove them doing yunohost domain remove .... for each domains.

I also disable p2p: to be sure even using chromium it will use jitsi-videobrige

For now, still doesn't work, seems something around jitsi-videobridge authentication on metronome. Can't find how to solve that.

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

Still not solving that issue, seems like something around metronome IM Bosh and Jigasi/videobridge. I can't figure what's happen and quite bored of all the time / days I've worked on that.

Now it's level 0, not working and I won't try to solve that.

AkselRocks commented 4 years ago

I know these things can be very frustrating!

The least I can do is say thank you very much, @yalh76, for trying and investing so much time and energy!

plslvval commented 3 years ago

I wonder if we are just not facing a limitation of metronome compared to prosody. still not understanding full protocols exchanges while writing this, so don't pay too much credit to this comment

Jitsi is based on XMPP jingle protocol which is XEP-0166 and comparing xep documented as supported on both it seems XEP-0166 is only provided for prosody : metronome xep list : : xep-0166 not found. * but there is notice : As stated this list isn't inclusive of XEPs which require clientside support only. seems it the case of xep-0166 given prosody comment bellow. prosody xep list : : xep-0166 listed and linked to indicating Server support is not required for Jingle,

So this would first require to validate outside yunohost that metronme can replace prosody and find where it has to be done.

I am still surprised it works in P2P, while it seems it would requires jingle too, but perhaps some part of jingle are provided as jitsi prosody plugin not fully working with metronome. This goes then beyond a simple port.

it is claimed that jingle xep-0166 is client to client and xmpp is used only as transport, but when going to more than two participant server will actualy be a central point of delivery, ci guess it then need to handle things in xmpp there at server side, if it is with a prosody plugin, perhaps this one does not work like it should with metronome. i don't have any code source to point yet thought...

alexAubin commented 3 years ago

@Maranda : ping in case that could help make things move forward ... some people are again discussing this today and would really like to see jitsi working in the context of Yunohost. Sorry if you already discussed this in the past, but have you any information regarding plans to support XEP-0166 for Metronome ?

maranda commented 3 years ago

@alexAubin XEP-0166 doesn't need server support it's a client side spec so it would be always supported that's why it's not listed, beside I use Jingle VoIP with with Conversations all the time and works perfectly with Metronome.

Metronome already supports, and for TURN/STUN.

I would also like to point out and that I don't get the reason to use Jitsi Meet to chat with 1v1. That's for multiparty chats.

I'm not sure what there's that would be missing comparing to Prosody on the Jingle VoIP department if it's the Jitsi Meet MUC plugins you mean I did also post a pull request to move things forward but I didn't hear anything back on that department. I also know that the Jitsi people did internally patch Prosody to adapt it to work for Jitsi Meet, and some of those patches didn't get disclosed so at the time I didn't have nothing to look at, although being a while since I checked that may have changed.

Finally, I'm always eager to help @alexAubin even if I'm practically buried under a pile of work atm and have little time. But I seem to go forgotten by YunoHost people and then get blasted over with the usual once in a while "Oh it's Metronome's fault, let's switch to Prosody" and often the blame is found somewhere else after too.

So if you want me involved, involve me ;). And if you have some requirements tell me what they're. ... I just came to know about this issue today because you actually mentioned me.

maranda commented 3 years ago

Also when testing exotical plugins I do suggest enabling verbose logging, and checking for any possible traceback popping up and then eventually reporting the issue on that for sure won't harm.

yalh76 commented 3 years ago

Also when testing exotical plugins I do suggest enabling verbose logging, and checking for any possible traceback popping up and then eventually reporting the issue on that for sure won't harm.

Months ago, when enabling debug mode on metronome with exotical plugins, metronome crashed because the jitsi exotical plugins didn't manage debug mode ://// But @kay0u has restarted to work on it... Hopefully he will go one step further ^^

maranda commented 3 years ago

Also when testing exotical plugins I do suggest enabling verbose logging, and checking for any possible traceback popping up and then eventually reporting the issue on that for sure won't harm.

Months ago, when enabling debug mode on metronome with exotical plugins, metronome crashed because the jitsi exotical plugins didn't manage debug mode ://// But @kay0u has restarted to work on it... Hopefully he will go one step further ^^

I'd like to see that in practice since doing the same work on the same plugins, with debug logs enabled didn't produce any crash... As usual didn't see any ticket appearing into issue tracker also 😺

yalh76 commented 3 years ago

Also when testing exotical plugins I do suggest enabling verbose logging, and checking for any possible traceback popping up and then eventually reporting the issue on that for sure won't harm.

Months ago, when enabling debug mode on metronome with exotical plugins, metronome crashed because the jitsi exotical plugins didn't manage debug mode ://// But @kay0u has restarted to work on it... Hopefully he will go one step further ^^

I'd like to see that in practice since doing the same work on the same plugins, with debug logs enabled didn't produce any crash... As usual didn't see any ticket appearing into issue tracker also 😺

it's because it wasn't a metronome issue but more a "exoticals modules"" issue

maranda commented 3 years ago

But I worked on the same "exotical modules" (hence my pull request posted earlier) in Metronome... with debug logging enabled and without crashes 🙂