YunoHost-Apps / nextcloud_ynh

Nextcloud package for YunoHost
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
147 stars 63 forks source link

Testing / switch to packaging V2 + proper mail config #622

Closed ericgaspar closed 8 months ago

ericgaspar commented 11 months ago
ericgaspar commented 8 months ago

Do we have any clues on why the upgrade from 25.x.x doesn't work?

alexAubin commented 8 months ago

Do we have any clues on why the upgrade from 25.x.x doesn't work?

Apparently because of connect() to unix:/var/run/php/php8.2-fpm-nextcloud.sock failed (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upstream in the nginx error.log, trying to dig deeper

alexAubin commented 8 months ago


yunohost-bot commented 8 months ago

:carousel_horse: Test Badge

alexAubin commented 8 months ago


alexAubin commented 8 months ago

!testme bro

yunohost-bot commented 8 months ago

May the CI gods be with you! Test Badge

lapineige commented 8 months ago

Can I test it ?

alexAubin commented 8 months ago

Sure ;P Ideally wait for at least one upgrade test to complete but yeah

alexAubin commented 8 months ago

(all tests passing now - except for linter warnings ofc)

lapineige commented 8 months ago

Well it even fixed my buggy server than gave a 502 out of nowhere before the upgrade :smiley:

lapineige commented 8 months ago

Second server updated without any issue. And the third one.

All good !

alexAubin commented 8 months ago


Salamandar commented 8 months ago

Excellent, working on my server!

rodinux commented 8 months ago

Hello, for me something wrong after the upgrade, no logs and a blank page for https://domain.tld/nextcloud/settings/admin/logging

Capture d’écran du 2024-01-10 14-09-42

rodinux commented 8 months ago

the page blank

Capture d’écran du 2024-01-10 15-10-22

rodinux commented 8 months ago

I have try after reading this issue here sudo -u nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ config:app:set logreader relativedates --value="false" also occ maintenance:repair. restarting php8.2-fpm, with no success. I haven't a file nextcloud.log nowhere also.

rodinux commented 8 months ago

Now I not sure if I remove the upgrade to restore the backup, or I keep it for now to resolve with you what should be wrong...

alexAubin commented 8 months ago

no logs and a blank page for https://domain.tld/nextcloud/settings/admin/logging

Which page is blank exactly ? You're saying the page is blank but then share a screenshot of the admin containing error message, then another screenshot, but that second screenshot shows the "Journalisation" section

What about the main page with Files etc ? Is it blank blank or blank-but-with-the-side-menu ?

rodinux commented 8 months ago

no logs and a blank page for https://domain.tld/nextcloud/settings/admin/logging

Which page is blank exactly ? You're saying the page is blank but then share a screenshot of the admin containing error message, then another screenshot, but that second screenshot shows the "Journalisation" section

What about the main page with Files etc ? Is it blank blank or blank-but-with-the-side-menu ?

blank with side-menu as in the screenshot

rodinux commented 8 months ago

there is no nextcloud.log file also

/var/www/nextcloud# sudo -u nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ log:tail
 ------- --------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- 
  Level   App       Message                                             Time                       
 ------- --------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- 
  Info    updater   OC\Repair\Events\RepairStepEvent: Repair step:      2024-01-10T12:25:25+00:00  
                    Repair DAV shares                                                              

  Info    updater   OC\Repair\Events\RepairStepEvent: Repair step:      2024-01-10T12:25:25+00:00  
                    Add background job to set the lookup server share                              
                    state for users                                                                

  Info    updater   OC\Repair\Events\RepairStepEvent: Repair step:      2024-01-10T12:25:25+00:00  
                    Add token cleanup job                                                          

  Info    updater   OC\Repair\Events\RepairStepEvent: Repair step:      2024-01-10T12:25:25+00:00  
                    Clean up abandoned apps                                                        

  Info    updater   OC\Repair\Events\RepairStepEvent: Repair step:      2024-01-10T12:25:25+00:00  
                    Add possibly missing system config                                             

  Info    updater   OC\Repair\Events\RepairStepEvent: Repair step:      2024-01-10T12:25:25+00:00  
                    Add AI tasks cleanup job                                                       

  Info    updater   OC\Repair\Events\RepairStepEvent: Repair step:      2024-01-10T12:25:25+00:00  
                    Queue a job to generate metadata                                               

  Info    updater   \OC\Updater::updateEnd: Update successful           2024-01-10T12:25:25+00:00  

  Info    updater   \OC\Updater::maintenanceDisabled: Turned off        2024-01-10T12:25:25+00:00  
                    maintenance mode                                                               

  Info    updater   \OC\Updater::resetLogLevel: Reset log level to      2024-01-10T12:25:25+00:00  

 ------- --------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- 
rodinux commented 8 months ago

Perhaps I need do a sudo -u nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ log:manage ??

I try sudo -u nextcloud php8.2 --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ log:watch and it is not responding

rodinux commented 8 months ago

2 options

rodinux commented 8 months ago

Perhaps something to do with nginx and mjs ? I see nothing here https://domain.tld/nextcloud/apps/logreader/js/logreader-main.mjs?v=4eafa848-0 (error in the console)...

rodinux commented 8 months ago

If I add your line it do strange things ! I think it must be already good with

location ~ \.(?:css|js|mjs|svg|gif|png|jpg|ico|wasm|tflite|map|ogg|flac)$ {
        try_files $uri /index.php$request_uri;
        add_header Cache-Control "public, max-age=15778463, $asset_immutable";
        access_log off;     # Optional: Don't log access to assets

        location ~ \.wasm$ {
            default_type application/wasm;