YunoHost-Apps / vaultwarden_ynh

Open source password management solutions for YunoHost
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bitwarden service failing to start #84

Closed DetermineAbsurd closed 3 years ago

DetermineAbsurd commented 4 years ago

-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit bitwarden.service has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is done.
Jun 14 23:12:33 bitwarden_rs[1077]: /--------------------------------------------------------------------\
Jun 14 23:12:33 bitwarden_rs[1077]: |                       Starting Bitwarden_RS                        |
Jun 14 23:12:33 systemd[1]: bitwarden.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=12/n/a
Jun 14 23:12:33 systemd[1]: bitwarden.service: Unit entered failed state.
Jun 14 23:12:33 systemd[1]: bitwarden.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.```
Service failed after installing the two latest updates.
yalh76 commented 4 years ago

Can you provide the full logs ? Is it during install ? upgrade ?

DetermineAbsurd commented 4 years ago

It was during an upgrade where the errors occurred I think. Here is a link using Yunohost Paste.

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

Seems that there was already error at the beginning of the upgrade during backup.

Can you provide the content of : /etc/systemd/system/bitwarden.service ?

DetermineAbsurd commented 4 years ago

Description=Bitwarden Server (Rust Edition)

# The user/group bitwarden_rs is run under. the working directory (see below) should allow write and read access to this user/group
# The location of the .env file for configuration
# The location of the compiled binary
# Set reasonable connection and process limits
# Isolate bitwarden_rs from the rest of the system
# Only allow writes to the following directory and set it to the working directory (user and password data are stored here)

yalh76 commented 4 years ago

Seems OK, can you provide the content of /var/www/bitwarden/live/bitwarden_rs.env

DetermineAbsurd commented 4 years ago

I replaced my actual domain name with my.domain and redacted the admin key, but all other content remains unchanged from the original file.

## Uncomment any of the following lines to change the defaults

## Main data folder

## Database URL
## When using SQLite, this is the path to the DB file, default to %DATA_FOLDER%/db.sqlite3
## When using MySQL, this it is the URL to the DB, including username and password:
## Format: mysql://[user[:password]@]host/database_name
# DATABASE_URL=data/db.sqlite3

## Individual folders, these override %DATA_FOLDER%
# RSA_KEY_FILENAME=data/rsa_key
# ICON_CACHE_FOLDER=data/icon_cache
# ATTACHMENTS_FOLDER=data/attachments

## Templates data folder, by default uses embedded templates
## Check source code to see the format
# TEMPLATES_FOLDER=/path/to/templates
## Automatically reload the templates for every request, slow, use only for development

## Client IP Header, used to identify the IP of the client, defaults to "X-Client-IP"
## Set to the string "none" (without quotes), to disable any headers and just use the remote IP

## Cache time-to-live for successfully obtained icons, in seconds (0 is "forever")
# ICON_CACHE_TTL=2592000
## Cache time-to-live for icons which weren't available, in seconds (0 is "forever")

## Web vault settings

## Enables websocket notifications

## Controls the WebSocket server address and port

## Enable extended logging, which shows timestamps and targets in the logs

## Logging to file
## It's recommended to also set 'ROCKET_CLI_COLORS=off'

## Logging to Syslog
## This requires extended logging
## It's recommended to also set 'ROCKET_CLI_COLORS=off'
# USE_SYSLOG=false

## Log level
## Change the verbosity of the log output
## Valid values are "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error" and "off"
## Setting it to "trace" or "debug" would also show logs for mounted 
## routes and static file, websocket and alive requests

## Enable WAL for the DB
## Set to false to avoid enabling WAL during startup.
## Note that if the DB already has WAL enabled, you will also need to disable WAL in the DB,
## this setting only prevents bitwarden_rs from automatically enabling it on start.
## Please read project wiki page about this setting first before changing the value as it can
## cause performance degradation or might render  the service unable to start.

## Disable icon downloading
## Set to true to disable icon downloading, this would still serve icons from $ICON_CACHE_FOLDER,
## but it won't produce any external network request. Needs to set $ICON_CACHE_TTL to 0,
## otherwise it will delete them and they won't be downloaded again.

## Icon download timeout
## Configure the timeout value when downloading the favicons.
## The default is 10 seconds, but this could be to low on slower network connections

## Icon blacklist Regex
## Any domains or IPs that match this regex won't be fetched by the icon service.
## Useful to hide other servers in the local network. Check the WIKI for more details
# ICON_BLACKLIST_REGEX=192\.168\.1\.[0-9].*^

## Any IP which is not defined as a global IP will be blacklisted.
## Usefull to secure your internal environment: See for a list of IPs which it will block

## Disable 2FA remember
## Enabling this would force the users to use a second factor to login every time.
## Note that the checkbox would still be present, but ignored.

## Controls if new users can register

## Controls if new users need to verify their email address upon registration
## Note that setting this option to true prevents logins until the email address has been verified!
## The welcome email will include a verification link, and login attempts will periodically
## trigger another verification email to be sent.

## If SIGNUPS_VERIFY is set to true, this limits how many seconds after the last time
## an email verification link has been sent another verification email will be sent

## If SIGNUPS_VERIFY is set to true, this limits how many times an email verification
## email will be re-sent upon an attempted login.

## Controls if new users from a list of comma-separated domains can register
## even if SIGNUPS_ALLOWED is set to false

## Token for the admin interface, preferably use a long random string
## One option is to use 'openssl rand -base64 48'
## If not set, the admin panel is disabled

## Enable this to bypass the admin panel security. This option is only
## meant to be used with the use of a separate auth layer in front

## Invitations org admins to invite users, even when signups are disabled

## Controls the PBBKDF password iterations to apply on the server
## The change only applies when the password is changed

## Whether password hint should be sent into the error response when the client request it

## Domain settings
## The domain must match the address from where you access the server
## It's recommended to configure this value, otherwise certain functionality might not work,
## like attachment downloads, email links and U2F.
## For U2F to work, the server must use HTTPS, you can use Let's Encrypt for free certs

## Yubico (Yubikey) Settings
## Set your Client ID and Secret Key for Yubikey OTP
## You can generate it here:
## You can optionally specify a custom OTP server

## Duo Settings
## You need to configure all options to enable global Duo support, otherwise users would need to configure it themselves
## Create an account and protect an application as mentioned in this link (only the first step, not the rest):
## Then set the following options, based on the values obtained from the last step:
# DUO_IKEY=<Integration Key>
# DUO_SKEY=<Secret Key>
# DUO_HOST=<API Hostname>
## After that, you should be able to follow the rest of the guide linked above,
## ignoring the fields that ask for the values that you already configured beforehand.

## Authenticator Settings
## Disable authenticator time drifted codes to be valid.
## TOTP codes of the previous and next 30 seconds will be invalid
## According to the RFC6238 (,
## we allow by default the TOTP code which was valid one step back and one in the future.
## This can however allow attackers to be a bit more lucky with there attempts because there are 3 valid codes.
## You can disable this, so that only the current TOTP Code is allowed.
## Keep in mind that when a sever drifts out of time, valid codes could be marked as invalid.
## In any case, if a code has been used it can not be used again, also codes which predates it will be invalid.

## Rocket specific settings, check Rocket documentation to learn more
# ROCKET_ENV=staging
# ROCKET_TLS={certs="/path/to/certs.pem",key="/path/to/key.pem"}
# Workaround for YunoHost CI

## Mail specific settings, set SMTP_HOST and SMTP_FROM to enable the mail service.
## To make sure the email links are pointing to the correct host, set the DOMAIN variable.
## Note: if SMTP_USERNAME is specified, SMTP_PASSWORD is mandatory
# SMTP_USERNAME=username
# SMTP_PASSWORD=password
yalh76 commented 3 years ago

have you tryed last version ?