linux-headers-$(uname -r) packages are not avaialble on RPi since they use their own package raspberrypi-kernel-headers
Last upgrade set root as owner of $final_path, preventing the service from starting.
Add a test to determine if we need this dedicated package.
chown all the things
PR Status
[x] Code finished and ready to be reviewed/tested
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Automatic tests can be triggered on creating the PR, by commenting "!testme", "!gogogadgetoci" or "By the power of systemd, I invoke The Great App CI to test this Pull Request!". (N.B. : for this to work you need to be a member of the Yunohost-Apps organization)
Closes #26 Closes #25 Closes #24
linux-headers-$(uname -r)
packages are not avaialble on RPi since they use their own packageraspberrypi-kernel-headers
as owner of$final_path
, preventing the service from starting.Solution
all the thingsPR Status
Automatic tests
Automatic tests can be triggered on after creating the PR, by commenting "!testme", "!gogogadgetoci" or "By the power of systemd, I invoke The Great App CI to test this Pull Request!". (N.B. : for this to work you need to be a member of the Yunohost-Apps organization)