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Support automatic merging in autoupdate after successful tests #2217

Open rndmh3ro opened 1 year ago

rndmh3ro commented 1 year ago

The autoupdater is great!

One feature I'd like to see are automatic merges of the created PRs if the tests ran successfully. Or maybe this needs another script to do it, I don't know what'll be better.

alexAubin commented 1 year ago

hmmmm i truly don't know what to think about this ... one the one hand yes, one the other hand, ideally we human should really keep a look at the changelog in case some stuff gets changed or recommended by the upstream ...

Or maybe we could have some sort of stuff like !testme that would be like !mergemeiftestsaresuccesful which would still be manual from humans after, hopefully, they checked that everything is okay in terms of changelog etc and not that technically tests are passing

Or to add to the discussion : the thing is that currently, the CI only test that apps do get installed etc, but they don't actually test that the app does really work, such as actually trying to open a "real" browsing session and checking that you see some expected content

rndmh3ro commented 1 year ago

Automerge should be an opt-in feature, yes.

As for testing - I really can't test all patch updates manually. (For invoiceninja, these are several per week). That's why I do the manual testing before merging testing to main. If something's wrong there, I'll investigate.

keep a look at the changelog in case some stuff gets changed or recommended by the upstream .

That gets me thinking: how about adding a link to the github-changelog for the version to be installed. That would make this easier.

the thing is that currently, the CI only test that apps do get installed etc, but they don't actually test that the app does really work, such as actually trying to open a "real" browsing session and checking that you see some expected content

Yeah, that's a problem. I think using something like hurl, one could automate this kind of testing.