YunoHost / issues

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Bookworm: in the webadmin, the 'User interface' button in top right redirects to https://{ip}/yunohost/sso which doesn work #2314

Closed alexAubin closed 4 months ago

alexAubin commented 5 months ago

NB: this is when accessing the webadmin using the IP (which is what you do initially during postinstall etc)

Maybe we want to it to point to the {main_domain}/yunohost/sso ?

I'm also noticing that it's visible during postinstall, which is annoying to handle, but during postinstall there's no main domain yet so eh

And it's also visible on the login page, but here too, we probably don't want to leak the info of what's the actual domain hosted to any random folk visiting the IP :thinking:

OniriCorpe commented 5 months ago

we probably don't want to leak the info of what's the actual domain hosted to any random folk visiting the IP 🤔

this info is already leaked if a reverse DNS is configured

Axolotle commented 4 months ago

done with