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Formalize a test team #2356

Open Ddataa opened 3 months ago

Ddataa commented 3 months ago

From an app maintainer and user perspective

Two problems 1/ more functionnal testing = more quality = more users happy & easier to maintain apps 2/ Testing branch tend to be a bazaar of new functionnalities / patches / it makes it very complicate for app maintainer to test it seriously and then users dont get the latest version of software or they get a broken app

One solution Create and organize a Test Team that would formalize a testing practice in order to find happy users who wants to help without need of technical knowledge but just technical ability of handling interface interactions (and time).

I am more than happy to discuss this topics further with anyone interested in that matter.

tituspijean commented 3 months ago

I would also like to somehow increase the contributors/apps ratio, and encourage having maintainers that are also users of their app. Oftentimes the CI gives the green light but some features are quirky or not working. 😄 That means democratizing app packaging (easier said than done!).