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"Regular computer" installer does not install YunoHost #2432

Open x3rAx opened 3 weeks ago

x3rAx commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

YunoHost is not installed at all after using the "Regular compyter" install method. Only the base system is installed:

The system boots fine and I'm greeted with a typical TTY login that shows me the host name I selected during install. I can log in (on the TTY) to root and the admin user I created during install.

However, there is:


Hardware: KVM (UEFI; CPU: i5-13600KF, 4 cores; RAM 4096 MiB; Disk: 32 GiB, on SSD; Network: virtio, NAT) YunoHost version: v.11.2 I have access to my server : direct access via keyboard / screen Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no

I'm trying to install YunoHost on a KVM using the "Regular compyter" method. I chose the "normal" install (not "expert") and just went through the installer. Whole disk, nothing fancy.

The installer finishes without any sign of an error (I haven't retried and checked system logs yet).

When I then try to do the "Remote server -> VPS or dedicated server with Debian 11" install:

$ su root
# apt install curl
# curl | bash

I'm presented with the following output:

[FAIL] Your environment PATH variable must contains /sbin directory. Maybe try running 'PATH=/sbin:$PATH' to fix this.
[INFO] Installation logs are available in /var/log/yunohost-installation_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXX.log

(I removed the date from the log file name)

So it seems like the installation is pretty broken, right? I already tried re-creating the VM and re-installing but with no success.

When I install a regular Debian 11, I can do the above without any issues.

To reproduce

Expected behavior

The post-install should run.


No logs since I don't even have a working YunoHost installation. Everything seems to be find during install, no obvious error. The only thing I can provide right now is:

bash: yunohost: command not found
alexAubin commented 3 weeks ago

Heuarg yeah i recently reworked the x86 ISO images to try to fix but it sounds like there's more issues

It sounds like depending on hardware or software or bios / UEFI stuff (?) it doesn't go through the same sequence exactly (grub vs "isolinux" ?) ...

Anyway ... if that's doable, you could you share a screenshot or picture of on of the very first screen you see where you should be asked to chose between text install, graphical install ?

alexAubin commented 3 weeks ago

Also regarding:

$ su root
# apt install curl
# curl | bash

I'm presented with the following output:

[FAIL] Your environment PATH variable must contains /sbin directory. Maybe try running 'PATH=/sbin:$PATH' to fix this.
[INFO] Installation logs are available in /var/log/yunohost-installation_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXXX.log

Mayb try using try using sudo -i ... or maybe run the curl | bash command with bash prefixed by sudo like this : curl | sudo bash

x3rAx commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, sorry for the late answer.

I ran the installation again and saved the installer debug logs:

As you requested, here's a screenshot from the boot menu:


I should also mention that the very first thing I see (right before the boot menu) is this screen:


During installation I did the following:

x3rAx commented 2 weeks ago

I tried reinstalling on a new VM where I selected BIOS instead of UEFI, and not only did the setup automatically start the installation after the "Keymap" step, it also automatically started asked to run the yunohost tools postinstall after I rebooted to the freshly installed system:


So it looks like the setup can't handle UEFI hardware properly.

Btw. I find it a bit dangerous that the setup does simply override the whole disk without any confirmation :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: