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Uncaught exception because of missing lastUpdate field in app info ? #686

Closed yunohost-bot closed 3 years ago

yunohost-bot commented 7 years ago
Original Redmine Issue: 686

Author Name: alexAubin

Trying to install rainloop (which was actually already installed) :

 > yunohost app install rainloop
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/yunohost", line 217, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moulinette/", line 138, in cli, output_as=output_as, password=password, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moulinette/interfaces/", line 353, in run
    ret = self.actionsmap.process(args, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moulinette/", line 479, in process
    return func(**arguments)
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/", line 467, in app_install
    manifest, extracted_app_folder = _fetch_app_from_git(app)
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/", line 1301, in _fetch_app_from_git
    app_info['manifest']['lastUpdate'] = app_info['lastUpdate']
KeyError: 'lastUpdate'

I'm guessing this is because doesn't have the "lastUpdate" entry ?

yunohost-bot commented 7 years ago
Properties Change

Author: alexAubin

yunohost-bot commented 7 years ago
Original Redmine Comment

Author: alexAubin

Checking with yunohost app list -r : looks like all apps have a "lastUpdate" property in the json, but not rainloop for some reasons.

yunohost-bot commented 7 years ago
Original Redmine Comment

Author: opi

when you try to install an app by doing yunohost app install fooapp and fooapp already installed before from the Git url, there is no lastUpdate entry anywhere; The lastUpdate key is only set when installing an app from a list (official or community).

yunohost-bot commented 7 years ago
Original Redmine Comment

Author: alexAubin

Hm okay, sooo, shall we check that the app is already installed at the beginning of this command ? (Except for multi-instance app ?)

yunohost-bot commented 7 years ago
Properties Change

Author: alexAubin

yunohost-bot commented 7 years ago
Original Redmine Comment

Author: Gwendal

Hi! Just a quick mention that I encountered the same issue when trying to re-install an app already installed with a git URL.

yunohost-bot commented 7 years ago
Original Redmine Comment

Author: nicofrand

I tried to install redirect (already installed 4 times) and had the same issue. I added "print app_dict[app]" here : Here is the result, if that may help:

            'fr':'Cr\xe9er une redirection ou un proxy vers un autre emplacement',
            'en':'Create a redirection or a proxy to another path.'
                        'fr':'Choisissez un domaine pour votre redirection',
                        'en':'Choose a domain for your redirect'
                        'fr':'Choisissez un chemin pour votre redirection',
                        'en':'Choose a path for your redirect'
                        'fr':'Emplacement de destination',
                        'en':'Redirect destination path'
                        'fr':'Est-ce une redirection publique ?',
                        'en':'Is it a public redirect ?'
                        'fr':'Type de redirection',
                        'en':'Redirect type'
                        'visible_302':'Visible (302 redirect)',
                        'visible_301':'Visible (301 redirect)',
                        'proxy':'Proxy, invisible (Nginx proxy_pass)'
            'yunohost':'>= 2.4'
alexAubin commented 3 years ago

Closing because this is probably fixed since then .. app_info etc. got refactored multiple time since 2018