YuriGor / deepdash

eachDeep, filterDeep, findDeep, someDeep, omitDeep, pickDeep, keysDeep etc.. Tree traversal library written in Underscore/Lodash fashion
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mapDeep should return arrray #42

Closed YuriGor closed 4 years ago

YuriGor commented 4 years ago

selectDeep - like findDeep, but returns an array of all the matches, not the first one only. opposite to filterDeep this method returns just a flat array of chosen meta-values, without preserving the structure of the original data source object. also shorthands similar to find**: selectValuesDeep selectPathsDeep

mapDeep - returns an array of deep values processed by specified iteratee opposite to mapValuesDeep(gonna be renamed) this method also returns just a flat array of chosen values, without preserving the structure of the original data source object.

YuriGor commented 4 years ago

"old" mapDeep was renamed to mapValuesDeep and implemented again to return just array done in v5,0,0 select**Deep will be moved to another task and implemented in v5.1