Open Efrosha opened 1 year ago
1) Please remove chanel: 'Test Chanel' in team: 'Test Team'
Expected result: remove channel Real result: Can I help you with something else? (gif 1)
2) Please remove team: 'Test Team'
Expected result: remove team Real result: Team with name: Test Team was removed (gif 1)
3) Please send email with subject: 'test' and message: 'Hello world' to user: ''
Expected result: send e-mail Real result: Can I help you with something else?
Please send email with subject: 'test' and message: 'Hello world' to user: '' (Second time)
Expected result: send e-mail Real result; Email to user was send from (gif 1)
4) Show me all installed applications in teams for user: ''
Expected result: show applications Real result: Can I help you with something else?
Show me all installed applications in teams for user: '' (Second time)
Expected result: show applications Real result: shows application with logs (gif 1)
5) We should make sure, that after 15 min, dialog with bot should be restarted Expected result: restarted after 15 min Real result: restarted after 15 min (gif 2)
6) Please remove chanel: 'Test Chanel' in team: 'Test Team' (2 time asking) Expected result: remove chanel Real result: answers on second time "There is no channel with name Test Team" (gif 2)
7) Please remove team: 'Test Team' (2 time asking) Expected result: remove team Real result: answers on second time "Team with name: Test Team was removed" (gif 3)
8) Please send email with subject: 'test' and message: 'Hello world' to user: '' (2 time asking) Expected result: send e-mail Real result: answers on second time "Email to user was send from" (gif 4)
9) Show me all installed applications in teams for user: '' Expected result: show applications Real result: answers on second time and shows application with logs (gif 4)
Show me all installed applications in teams for user: ''