Yurunsoft / Guzzle-Swoole

让基于 Guzzle 的项目完美无缝兼容 Swoole 协程,支持:Guzzle、Elasticsearch client——来自宇润 PHP 全家桶
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composer 安装最后autoload的时候报错 #28

Closed pslxx closed 2 years ago

pslxx commented 2 years ago

image 环境: PHP7.4 Laravel8.29 Swoole 4.8.3

agengdp commented 2 years ago

I got same issues using php8.0 & Laravel 8.0

Yurunsoft commented 2 years ago

@pslxx 引入时报错不影响实际运行使用。引入时报错问题已经在 v2.2.4 版本解决。

@agengdp The error reported by composer require does not affect the actual operation. The problem of composer require error has been solved in the v2.2.4 version.

Yurunsoft commented 2 years ago

推荐使用 Swoole v4.8 的 native hook curl

It is recommended to use native hook curl of Swoole v4.8
