Yuseung-Na / pcd2bin

.pcd to .bin converter (python)
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module 'pypcd' has no attribute 'PointCloud' #5

Closed eiffelbastin closed 2 years ago

eiffelbastin commented 2 years ago

hey buddy I'm getting this trackback while running the code... pls see if u can help

thanks in advance :)

Finish to load point clouds! Finish to generate csv meta file Converting Start! 0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s] Traceback (most recent call last): File "pcd2bin.py", line 112, in <module> main() File "pcd2bin.py", line 84, in main pc = pypcd.PointCloud.from_path(pcd_file) AttributeError: module 'pypcd' has no attribute 'PointCloud'

Yuseung-Na commented 2 years ago

I've checked that. If the python version is 3.x, pypcd from pip install is not working.

eiffelbastin commented 2 years ago

whats the solution u suggest?? run with a lower version of py ? Or some otherway to install pypcd instead of pip?

Yuseung-Na commented 2 years ago

Currently I'm trying to solve this issue with Python 3.x. You have to install pypcd from github https://github.com/dimatura/pypcd

laiyingxin2 commented 2 years ago

from pypcd import pypcd work for me

Yuseung-Na commented 2 years ago

@laiyingxin2 Thanks alot!

eiffelbastin commented 2 years ago

from pypcd import pypcd work for me

which version of python were you using?

laiyingxin2 commented 2 years ago

I use version python 3.7

ghanim-mukhtar commented 1 year ago

I am using python3 version 3.9.12 and from pypcd import pypcd gave me an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/ghanim/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pypcd/pypcd.py", line 15, in <module>
    import cStringIO as sio
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cStringIO'

and apparently the cStringIO is replaced for later versions of python3 by StringIO in module io. So a work around is needed here.

scb-vs5 commented 4 months ago

don't use pypcd, and change to open3d! pypcd has too many problems!