Add code to, Create _data, and add all necessary files.
- Go to, and paste in the Mario code.
- Create a new folder named _data.
- Inside that, add a file named mario_metadata.yml
- Paste all the code.
- Go to the portfolio_2025 page, and download the mario_animation.png file from the images folder.
- Go back to your images folder, and import the mario_animation.png file.
- Go back to portfolio_2025 and go to _includes
- Go to nav, and download home.html
- Go back to your repository, go to your _includes and nav, and put the home.html file into it.
Important: Place at top (Frontmatter)
-Add this code:
layout: base
title: Student Home
description: Home Page
image: /images/mario_animation.png
hide: true
Add code to, Create _data, and add all necessary files.
Important: Place at top (Frontmatter)