Closed LIUMeng0823 closed 6 years ago
Hi Liu Meng,
Does that error show up when trying to compile the code without modifying it? We have never seen that error when trying to compile from scratch. It seems to be a type mismatch, so you may want to verify that all of your versions are consistent (OpenCV, bit-ness, compiled for 64 bit release, etc.).
Thanks for your reply! I use the same build environment(win10 64X cmake 3.5.1 boost1.62 opencv3.1.0 VS2015) like you. When I use cmake to build the project, some errors about the boost's version occurred but the configure process is successful, so I generated the 'sln' anyway. are those errors cause the problem?
Hmm... That looks like it shouldn't affect the build, though I'm not an expert on boost dependencies. Yuta, any ideas?
I have solved the problem by reinstall the boost1.62 and using the latest version of cmake3.12.2 to generate the project. it seems like cmake3.5.1 and boost1.62 conflicted in my computer.
Glad to hear it!
Hello! I followed the instruction in readme.txt. while I running
in the build folder, error C2440 occurred. The detail showed as follows:Error C2440 '': cannot convert from 'initializer list' to 'singleeyefitter::Ellipse2D' main E:\program\gaze tracking\3D-Eye-Tracker master\singleeyefitter\singleeyefitter\singleeyefitter.h 42
How to fix this error? Thanks!