YuvrajRaghuvanshiS / WhatsApp-Key-Database-Extractor

The most advanced and complete solution for extracting WhatsApp key/DB from package directory (/data/data/com.whatsapp) without root access.
MIT License
443 stars 57 forks source link

Nothing happening after "Connected to {device name}" #106

Closed ZaroxJH closed 10 months ago

ZaroxJH commented 1 year ago

I tried running wa_kdbe.py and after connecting it kept exiting the script, so I pulled the dev branch instead to check if that would work. With this, using the command "py wa_kdbe.py -ar -s -to" connects to the phone and shows me the screen, but does nothing after that. Running it without the flags results in the script stopping right after connecting without any additional output.

This is the output Screenshot 2023-01-18 201905

And the log file output:

========                Current release date: 03/07/2022                ========
========                                                                ========
========  db   d8b   db  .d8b.         db   dD d8888b. d8888b. d88888b  ========
========  88   I8I   88 d8' `8b        88 ,8P' 88  `8D 88  `8D 88'      ========
========  88   I8I   88 88ooo88        88,8P   88   88 88oooY' 88ooooo  ========
========  Y8   I8I   88 88~~~88 C8888D 88`8b   88   88 88~~~b. 88~~~~~  ========
========  `8b d8'8b d8' 88   88        88 `88. 88  .8D 88   8D 88.      ========
========   `8b8' `8d8'  YP   YP        YP   YD Y8888D' Y8888P' Y88888P  ========
========                                                                ========

============ WhatsApp Key / Database Extrator for non-rooted Android ===========

===                                                                          ===
===                                                                          ===
===     For that go to "WhatsApp settings \u2192 Chat Settings \u2192 Chat Backup"     ===
===              here take a local backup. Prepare for Worst.                ===
===                                                                          ===
===  Also if you see a folder "Android/media/com.whatsapp" copy it somewhere ===
===   safe. New versions of WhatsApp are saving data here INCLUDING IMAGES   ===
===       AND VIDEOS. I try to save it while uninstalling WhatsApp but       ===
===                        YOU CAN NEVER BE TOO SAFE.                        ===
===                                                                          ===
===     This script can extract your WhatsApp msgstore.db (non crypt12,      ===
===   un-encrypted file) and your "key" file from "/data/data/com.whatsapp"  ===
===  directory in Android 4.0+ device without root access. However you need  ===
===   to have JAVA installed on your system in order to "view the extract".  ===
===  If you don't have JAVA installed then you can "view extract" later by   ===
===   running "view_extract.py". The idea is to install a "Legacy WhatsApp"  ===
===       temporarily on your device in order to get the android backup      ===
===    permission. You should not lose any data and your current WhatsApp    ===
===   version will be installed after this process so don't panic and don't  ===
=== stop this script while it's working. However if something fails you can  ===
===    run "restore_whatsapp.py" and reinstall current WhatsApp or simply    ===
===                    update that from Google Play Store.                   ===
===                                                                          ===
===                      Script by: Yuvraj Raghuvanshi                       ===
===                      Github.com/YuvrajRaghuvanshiS                       ===

[Wednesday 18/01/2023, 20:23:08] >>> I am in wa_kdbe.check_java()
[Wednesday 18/01/2023, 20:23:08] Found Java v1.8.0_361 installed on system. Continuing...

[Wednesday 18/01/2023, 20:23:08] Arguments passed: Namespace(allow_reboot=True, tcp_ip=None, tcp_port='5555', scrcpy=True, tar_only=True)
[Wednesday 18/01/2023, 20:23:08] >>> I am in wa_kdbe.get_sys_info()
[Wednesday 18/01/2023, 20:23:08] Can't get system information. Continuing anyway...
[Wednesday 18/01/2023, 20:23:08] name 'psutil' is not defined
[Wednesday 18/01/2023, 20:23:08] Turned off wifi and mobile data...
[Wednesday 18/01/2023, 20:23:08] >>> I am in wa_kdbe.run_scrcpy(_is_scrcpy=True)
[Wednesday 18/01/2023, 20:23:08] Please read above instructions carefully \u2191 . Continue? (default y): 

[Wednesday 18/01/2023, 20:23:08] If you haven't already, it is advised to take a WhatsApp chat backup by going to "WhatsApp settings \u2192 Chat Settings \u2192 Chat Backup". Hit "Enter" key to continue.
[Wednesday 18/01/2023, 20:23:08] >>> I am in wa_kdbe.usb_mode()
[Wednesday 18/01/2023, 20:23:08] >>> I am in handler.handler(adb=bin\adb.exe -s 1d179fa8)
[Wednesday 18/01/2023, 20:23:08] Connected to POCOPHONE F1
[Wednesday 18/01/2023, 20:23:08] >>> I am in handler.after_connect(adb=bin\adb.exe -s 1d179fa8)