Closed e40614 closed 7 years ago
Oops, I forgot to see the issues that was be closed. The question I asked has been solved.
I'm trying to train model with only 2 class(person and background). I know that I should modify train.prototxt and test.prototxt. I trace "models/coco/ResNet-101/rfcn_end2end/train_agnostic.prototxt",and discover that the param cls_num of layer rfcn_bbox is 8 not 21.
this part in "pascal_voc/ResNet-101/rfcn_end2end/class-aware/train_ohem.prototxt" is "num_output: 4116 #8(7^2) cls_num(score_maps_size^2)" In issue "cls_num in prototxt is not same", liyi14 says it is a typo in that case. Is it also a typo in this case? In "daijifeng001/R-FCN/models/rfcn_prototxts/ResNet-50L_res3a/train_val.prototxt", this part is also "num_output: 392 #8(7^2) cls_num(score_maps_size^2)".
Is there any other line I need to modify? Thanks for the help!