YuxinWenRick / hard-prompts-made-easy

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Auto1111 web ui extension #15

Closed demirklvc closed 1 year ago

demirklvc commented 1 year ago

Auto1111 web ui extension-is it possible?

YuxinWenRick commented 1 year ago

Hi, we would like to have Auto1111 web ui extension, but we are not familiar with it. We would greatly appreciate any pull requests related to it. To help get started, we have a Gradio demo available, which we hope you'll find helpful.

Additionally, we discovered that PEZ has been integrated into this web ui tool: https://github.com/ThereforeGames/unprompted as "img2pez".

ewebgh33 commented 1 year ago

Hi +1 to this When you say it's integrated into the "unprompted" extension, I can't see on that page any info about PEZ being in unprompted's feature set. How is it integrated? Does unprompted add all of PEZ's functionality?

YuxinWenRick commented 1 year ago

Hi @EmmaWebGH, I found it here. The detailed summary is under Stable Diffusion Shortcodes/[img2pez], and the code can be found here.

ewebgh33 commented 1 year ago

@YuxinWenRick Thank you!!

YuxinWenRick commented 1 year ago

Hi @EmmaWebGH @demirklvc, @r0mar0ma has implemented another version for AUTOMATIC1111 web UI, https://github.com/r0mar0ma/sd-webui-pez-dispenser. Please check it out!