YuxinWenRick / hard-prompts-made-easy

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do you plan to create this for sd 1.5 too? #16

Closed demirklvc closed 1 year ago

demirklvc commented 1 year ago


YuxinWenRick commented 1 year ago

Hi, our code supports sd 1.5. The only change you need to make is the version of the CLIP model used for optimization. You may get more details here.

demirklvc commented 1 year ago

where do i have to change this please?: Hi, sorry for not including that important detail in the README file, but sure, you can use it for 1.5. SD 1.5 uses the text encoder of CLIP ViT-L/14 from OpenAI, so you can just simply change the argument by: args.clip_model = "ViT-L-14" and args.clip_pretrain = "openai". Also, if you are using the Jupyter notebook, you may also want to change model_id = "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5" when loading the stable diffusion model.

YuxinWenRick commented 1 year ago

Hi, the easiest way to do this is to change the corresponding values in sample_config.json.

demirklvc commented 1 year ago