YuxinWenRick / hard-prompts-made-easy

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gpu detection fails #8

Closed unoriginalscreenname closed 1 year ago

unoriginalscreenname commented 1 year ago

run.py fails to detect the gpu. I have a 3090Ti and all the current drivers installed. GPU detection works on everything else.

Also your instructions for activating the venv do not work as written.

unoriginalscreenname commented 1 year ago

I found that if you change requirements to something like this it will work:

--find-links https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html torch==1.13.0+cu117

JonasGeiping commented 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing! Just for our notes, is your OS windows 10/11?

CT-Actual commented 1 year ago

same issue here. Win 10 + 1080ti

YuxinWenRick commented 1 year ago

Hi, @CT-Actual, does including torch==1.13.0+cu117 solve your problem?