YuzukiHD / TinyVision

TinyVision - A Tiny Linux Board / IPC / Server / Router / And so on...
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Record video from camera with encoding in V851se #32

Open mahdi2001h opened 3 months ago

mahdi2001h commented 3 months ago

thank you I tested and it worked. but i need to record from camera and compress it i tried to use trecordertest.c but it have Segmentation fault error

root@TinaLinux:~# trecorderdemo 0
* This program shows how to test trecorder

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tina_multimedia <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
tag   : tina3.5
branch: tina-dev
date  : Mon Jul 15 19:04:59 2019 +0800
Change-Id: I5f6c8a88d7b387a312b7744797a0d5f8ab07ee7a
              | Preview Status | Preview Size | Audio Status | Water Mark | Recorder Status |
      front   |     enable     |    full      |    normal    |   disable  |      stop       |
      rear    |                |              |              |            |                 |

RecorderCmd# Segmentation fault (core dumped)

you have any idea to how solve or debug it ? I using GC2053 camera

and this is my menuconfig choices


before I enable USE VIN ISP , in recorder There was no Segmentation fault , but it did not work

Originally posted by @mahdi2001h in https://github.com/YuzukiHD/TinyVision/issues/30#issuecomment-2126811024

yangbo commented 6 days ago

Hi @mahdi2001h, I also need this feature, so please give some info if you make progress on it, thanks! This is a demo program about camera: https://dshanpi.100ask.org/docs/TinyVision/part3/UseOpenCVToCaptureTheCameraAndDisplayItOnTheScreen/