Z-Bolt / OctoPrint-Z-Bolt-OctoScreen

Plugin provides settings management for OctoScreen
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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UI Override #2

Closed Daeraxa closed 4 years ago

Daeraxa commented 4 years ago

Is there a possibility of having an option to use the in-built theme vs what already exists on the Octoprint server? i.e. Icons and colour schemes are totally overridden by installing this plugin, would be nice to have just the Octoscreen config option plugin without the UI changes.

mdaneman commented 4 years ago

Yes, why does this plugin mess around with the Octoprint UI? It should be used to configure Octoscreen, I see no reason why the web browser UI should change. I'm uninstalling it for now until this is fixed.

JazzXP commented 4 years ago

Agree with the above. I like the theme personally, but it shouldn't be in this plugin, it should be a seperate install.

noxhirsch commented 4 years ago

Workaround: Download this repository as zip and delete these files inside: octoprint_zbolt_octoscreen/static/css/theme.css octoprint_zbolt_octoscreen/static/css/theme.css.map Then upload the zip file in the Octoprint plugin manager.

JeffB42 commented 4 years ago

@here (@Daeraxa , @mdaneman , @JazzXP , @noxhirsch ) - I contacted Aleksei and he granted me moderator rights. I just flushed out the LESS and CSS files. If you install the latest, you will get the update which has no custom CSS stylings. I'm new to this, and I'm not sure how the versioning works (w/r/t OctoPrint's plugin manager and GitHub). You might need to uninstall OctoPrint-Z-Bolt-OctoScreen and then reinstall it (using the same URL that's in the readme file, https://github.com/Z-Bolt/OctoPrint-Z-Bolt-OctoScreen/archive/master.zip)