Z-Bolt / OctoScreen

LCD touch interface for our OctoPrint
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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3.5 tft, showing the 4 raspberries boot screen, never shows octoscreen #375

Closed fargodwe closed 2 months ago

fargodwe commented 2 months ago

I bought one of the cheap 3.5 tft screens the plugs onto the gpio header. I installed octoprint, can access it from browser and from putty, can use the web interface to upload and it prints. The screen, which uses LCD35-show, still shows the 4 raspberries boot/login screen. I installed octoscreen according to this git page but it had a couple of errors due to missing dependencies and version change which I got through fine and it finished installing. I updated the config file and rebooted. Everything still works but the screen is still showing the 4 raspberries/login screen.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

fargodwe commented 2 months ago

Still no luck but wanted to report a couple of things - maybe they'll help?

(1) I didn't have an api-key defined, so I (hopefully) have set that up now. I restarted the service as I have an active print going in octopi right now.

(2) a systemctl status showed a fatal on g2d_23 but my search on the net says to ignore it

(3) s systemctl status also show this - perhaps more relevant - " octopi.local xinit[4820]: /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/fbturbo_drv.so: undefined symbol: shadowUpdatePacked" (something followed this but it is the most I could see on the screen)

fargodwe commented 2 months ago

Another update. Completely rebuilt. Used the pi-imager to create the ocotopi sd card. Due to errors in their procedure the network country and password are not carried into the install. Booted to allow it to install itself, then moved the sdcard to a linux machine so I could edit the wpa_suppicant file to set the country and the password correctly. Rebooted. Installed the LDCshow-35 driver from goodtft github and rebooted. Boot screen and login show on the display correctly. Putty'd in and ran the setup according to this github - having to fix the installation error due to a missing package. Everything installed. I got the Octopus screen with the searching for printer (didn't have the printer connected yet). Modified the config files as per the bottom of the github. Rebooted - only shows the boot screen with login. Tried command "octoscreen" but it says command unknown.

How did it work on installation but not after reboot?

fargodwe commented 2 months ago

I found #34 in this list and followed it to get it to start via rc.local.

Next I need to see if it fits the screen or not and if not I'll follow what's in #34 about that.

fargodwe commented 2 months ago

For anyone with a 3.5" tft screen trying to set up octoscreen, I ended up following the thread here #34 (https://github.com/Z-Bolt/OctoScreen/issues/34) and have everything working and sized to fit the screen. You need to follow the entire thread to get everything working. Remember to run raspi-config and set the default (under the system option) to the second option - auto login to command prompt (DON'T select gui).

fargodwe commented 2 months ago

Everything working great now. Thanks for such a great project and to all those who contributed to #34 here as that is what got me up and running.