Z-Bolt / OctoScreen

LCD touch interface for our OctoPrint
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: Cura Preview on screen #379

Open ArcAIN6 opened 4 weeks ago

ArcAIN6 commented 4 weeks ago

I'm currently using a 7" HDMI touch screen on my printer, and to be honest, that's a LOT of real estate for just a few buttons. I don't know if this has been done already ,and i'm just too dumb to find out how, but i think it would be nice if i could resize the buttons a little, and add the preview thats generated by cura when i send it to octoprint. (I already have octoprint set up to show the previews in the file list / while printing, but having it on the actual LCD would be nice as well)

Thanks in advance, and i love this project!

JeffB42 commented 5 days ago

"... that's a LOT of real estate for just a few buttons..."

"...i think it would be nice if i could resize the buttons a little..."

Sorry, but the UI is fixed. It expands in the sense that it takes up the entire screen, but not in the sense that one can add more buttons to the screen. In general, OctoScreen has a 4x3 grid layout, and regardless of whether it is viewed on a 3.5" screen or a 7" screen, the layout is 4x3.

As far as a preview for Cura goes, do you have the "Cura Slicer Thumbnail" plug-in (in OctoPrint) installed? I know previews show up when the "Prusa Slicer Thumbnail" plug-in is install, and previews should also work when the "Cura Slicer Thumbnail" plug-in is installed.

ArcAIN6 commented 4 days ago

Yes, the previews show up in octoprint, i just wanted the preview on the screen as well