Z-Wave-Me / home-automation

Z-Way Home Automation engine
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In SmartHome luminiscence in % (wrong), In expert luminiscence in Lux (right) #464

Open aivs opened 6 years ago

aivs commented 6 years ago

Need fix in smarthome to correctly show scale.

2018-01-12 14 51 00
ronie-z-wave commented 6 years ago

@aivs Can you please show me what is used in vDev? Also % or Lux ? And whis Philio device is this? We've a lot of the d/w multisensors here for testing ...

aivs commented 6 years ago

After controller reset I added Fibaro Motion, Aeotec Multisensor and Philio Multisensor and all ok on fresh controller. The problem happened when the new device get the Node ID of the previous device. Look at screenshot! Fibaro device has a name "Philio" and scaleTitle from previous Philio device. Check this case, it's old problem when new device has a profile from previous device with the same Node ID.

How to test: 1) Add Philio Multisensor 2) expert-->Network --> Control --> Mark battery device as failed (choose Philio Multisensor) 3) expert-->Network --> Control --> Replace failed node (choose Philio Multisensor) 4) Add Fibaro Motion Sensor

Fibaro Motion Sensor has a same Node ID as Philio Multisensor. In Smarthome UI Fibaro Temperature and Luminiscence are called Philio and scaleTitle from Philio.

ronie-z-wave commented 6 years ago

Ok I'm going to check this. I assume that it's vdevInfo in config.json remains during exclution and won't be deleted ...