Z3Prover / z3

The Z3 Theorem Prover
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[consolidated] issues in the new core #6116

Closed zhendongsu closed 2 years ago

zhendongsu commented 2 years ago

Refutation unsoundess:

[580] % z3release small.smt2
[581] % z3release tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true small.smt2
[582] % cat small.smt2
(declare-sort a 0)
(declare-sort b 0)
(declare-const c a)
(declare-fun counter (a b) Int)
(declare-fun d (a Int b) Int)
(declare-const j a)
(declare-const e b)
(declare-fun f (b) Int)
(declare-const k b)
(declare-const g a)
(assert (forall ((h b)) (and (=> (> (f h) 0) (= (counter j h) 0)) (> (f h) 0) (= (d g 0 h) 7) (forall ((i Int)) (=> (not (= i (counter j h))) (= 0 (d j i h)))))))
(assert (forall ((h b) (i Int)) (= (d c i h) (d g i h))))
(assert (not (forall ((i Int)) (= (d c i e) (d c i k)))))
zhendongsu commented 2 years ago

Refutation unsoundness:

[594] % z3release small.smt2
[595] % z3release tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true model_validate=true small.smt2
[596] % cat small.smt2
(define-fun c ((d Int) (a Int) (b Int)) Int (ite (= b 0) 0 (div a b)))
(define-fun e ((d Int) (f Int)) Int (- f))
(define-fun o ((d Int) (a Int) (b Int)) Bool (< (e d a) 0))
(define-fun g ((d Int) (a Int) (b Int)) Bool (= 0 0))
(define-fun h ((d Int) (f Int) (i Int) (k Int)) Bool (o d (c d f i) k))
(define-fun m ((d Int) (i Int) (k Int)) Bool (= (g d k 0) (o d (c d d i) k)))
(declare-fun d () Int)
(declare-fun i () Int)
(declare-fun k () Int)
(declare-fun j () Int)
(assert (h d j i k))
(assert (not (m d i k)))
merlinsun commented 2 years ago
$ z3 tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true delta.smt2
$ z3 delta.smt2
$ cat delta.smt2
(declare-fun v () Real)
(assert (forall ((a Real)) (= 0.0 (* v (mod 1 (to_int (/ 1.0 a)))))))
(assert (= 0.0 (/ 1 1.0 0.0)))
merlinsun commented 2 years ago
$ z3 tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true delta2.smt2
$ z3 delta2.smt2
$ cat delta2.smt2
(set-logic ALL)
(assert (= 0.0 (* 0.0 (div 1 (to_int 1.0)))))
wintered commented 2 years ago
$z3release tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true bug.smt2
$z3release bug.smt2                                       
$cat bug.smt2 
(declare-const a Int) 
(assert (> (- a) (mod 1 (- 1)))) 
wintered commented 2 years ago
$z3release bug.smt2
$z3release tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true bug.smt2
$cat bug.smt2 
(assert (> 0 (div 1 (- 1)))) 
zhendongsu commented 2 years ago

Not sure whether this is of interest as it involves optimizations, but the formula is trivial:

[544] % z3release tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true model_validate=true small.smt2
(error "line 7 column 10: an invalid model was generated")
  (define-fun b () Real
    (- 1.0))
  (define-fun a () Real
  (define-fun c () Bool
[545] % cat small.smt2
(declare-const a Real)
(declare-const b Real)
(declare-const c Bool)
(assert (or c (= a b)))
(minimize a)
(maximize b)
wintered commented 2 years ago
$z3release model_validate=true tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true bug.smt2 
(error "line 5 column 10: an invalid model was generated")
$cat bug.smt2                                                                  
(declare-const a Real)
(declare-const b Real)
(assert (not (= 0 b)))
(maximize a)
NikolajBjorner commented 2 years ago

didn't I note before that debugging euf + optimization was a bit early? Maybe useful to dig into at some point but I am not sure it makes sense to fuzz if I haven't even started testing this.

zhendongsu commented 2 years ago

Refutation unsoundness instance:

[616] % z3release small.smt2
[617] % z3release tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true small.smt2
[618] % cat small.smt2
(declare-fun a (Int) Int)
(assert (exists ((b Int)) (distinct 0 (a b))))
(assert (forall ((c Int)) (ite (> (a c) 0) true (exists ((d Int)) (= (a c) (+ 1 (a d)))))))
(assert (forall ((c Int)) (or (distinct (a c) 2) (forall ((d Int)) (distinct (a c) (+ 2 (a d)))))))
(assert (forall ((d Int)) (or (= (a d) 5))))
zhendongsu commented 2 years ago

didn't I note before that debugging euf + optimization was a bit early? Maybe useful to dig into at some point but I am not sure it makes sense to fuzz if I haven't even started testing this.

Okay, Nikolaj, no "euf + optimization" for now.

zhendongsu commented 2 years ago
[527] % z3release tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true smt.bv.reflect=false small.smt2
Segmentation fault
[528] % z3debug tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true smt.bv.reflect=false small.smt2
File: ../src/ast/euf/euf_enode.h
Line: 164
i < num_args()
(C)ontinue, (A)bort, (S)top, (T)hrow exception, Invoke (G)DB
[529] % cat small.smt2
(declare-fun a () Int)
(assert (= ((_ int2bv 1) a) (_ bv0 1)))
merlinsun commented 2 years ago
$ z3debug tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true model_validate=true small.smt2
failed to verify: (let ((a!1 (store ((as const (Array Bool (Array Bool (Array Int Bool))))
$ cat small.smt2
(declare-sort I)
(declare-fun b (Int Int Int Int Int Int) Bool)
(declare-fun o (I I) I)
(declare-fun x () I)
(declare-fun a () (Array Bool (Array Int Bool)))
(assert (forall ((e I)) (exists ((t I)) (and (= e (o e x)) (= t (o x t))))))
(assert (= x (o x x)))
(assert (forall ((v (Array Bool Int)) (va (Array Bool Bool)) (r (Array Bool (Array Bool (Array Int Bool))))) (= r (store r (or (b 1 0 0 1 0 (v (va false)))) a))))
zhendongsu commented 2 years ago
[543] % z3debug small.smt2
[544] % z3debug tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true small.smt2
false l_true 181: (<= (+ (select #292 0) (* -1.0 #306)) 0.0)
25 l_true l_true 181: (<= (+ (select #292 0) (* -1.0 #306)) 0.0)
0  >= v25
updates 2122
newlits 16 qhead: 16
neweqs  494 qhead: 494

File: ../src/sat/smt/arith_solver.cpp
Line: 622
(C)ontinue, (A)bort, (S)top, (T)hrow exception, Invoke (G)DB
[545] % cat small.smt2
(declare-const a Bool)
(declare-const b Bool)
(declare-fun c ((Array Int (Array Int Real)) (Array Int (Array Int Real))) (Array Int (Array Int Real)))
(declare-fun d ((Array Int (Array Int Real))) (Array Int (Array Int Real)))
(assert (forall ((e Int) (f Int)) (=> (< e f) b)))
(assert (forall ((k Int) (g Int) (h Int) (i Int) (l (Array Int (Array Int Real))) (j (Array Int (Array Int Real)))) (distinct (and (> h g) (> i 0)) (= (select (select (c l (c j (d j))) h) 0) (select (select (c l (c j (d l))) i) k)))))
(assert (or a b))
wintered commented 2 years ago


$z3release tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true bug.smt2                         
[1]    1924299 segmentation fault  z3release tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true bug.smt2
$cat bug.smt2                                                                      
(assert (forall ((a Real)) (exists ((b Real)) (forall ((c Real)) (exists ((|| Real)) 
        (forall ((d Real)) (exists ((e Real)) (forall ((h Real)) (exists ((f Real)) (let ((g c)) 
        (let ((i d)(j f)) (let ((k j)(l 0))(let ((o (<= a l)))                     
        (let ((m (or o (<= k i)))(n (<= b g))) (or n m)))))))))))))))              
merlinsun commented 2 years ago

Invalid model https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/commit/81cb575c22b01ba376d2ec6d607481686011d9ee

$ z3 model_validate=true tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true small.smt2
(error "line 3 column 48: an invalid model was generated")
$ cat small.smt2
(declare-fun e () Real)
(assert (not (xor (= 0.0 0.0) (= e 0) (= e e) (= e 0) (= e e))))
(check-sat-using (then sat-preprocess solve-eqs))
zhendongsu commented 2 years ago

Refutation unsoundness:

[532] % z3release model_validate=true small.smt2
[533] % z3release tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true model_validate=true small.smt2
[534] % cat small.smt2
(assert (or true (= (bv2nat ((_ int2bv 3) (bv2nat ((_ int2bv 1) 1)))) (bv2nat ((_ int2bv 1) (bv2nat ((_ int2bv 1) (bv2nat ((_ int2bv 3) 0))))))))) 
zhendongsu commented 2 years ago

Refutation unsoundness:

[617] % z3release model_validate=true small.smt2
[618] % z3release tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true model_validate=true small.smt2
[619] % cat small.smt2
(declare-datatypes ((a 0)) (((b) (c))))
(declare-sort s 0)
(declare-sort t 0)
(declare-fun d (s t) t)
(declare-fun f () t)
(declare-fun m (s t) a)
(declare-fun n (t) Int)
(declare-fun j () Bool)
(assert (forall ((e s)) (distinct b (m e f))))
(assert (forall ((i s) (g s) (h t)) (= (m i (d i h)) (ite (= i g) b c))))
(assert (forall ((h t)) (= (= h f) (distinct 0 (n h)))))
(assert (exists ((i s) (h t)) (distinct (n (d i h)) (ite j 0 (n h)))))
merlinsun commented 2 years ago

This instance relates to https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/issues/6116#issuecomment-1176626153 but is not with smt.bv.reflect=false.

$ z3debug tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true small2.smt2
File: ../src/ast/euf/euf_enode.h
Line: 164
i < num_args()
(C)ontinue, (A)bort, (S)top, (T)hrow exception, Invoke (G)DB
$ cat small2.smt2
(declare-const x Real)
(assert (forall ((a Real) (v Real) (r Real)) (< (* x (+ v (* x r))) (* (- 1.0 a) (- 1.0 (* v v v))))))
(check-sat-using smt)
merlinsun commented 2 years ago
$ cat small2.smt2
(declare-const x Bool)
(declare-fun v () (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun a () Int)
(assert (or x (= v ((_ map or) v v)) (or (> 1 a) (= 0 (bv2nat ((_ int2bv 3) (bv2nat (bvor ((_ int2bv 3) (bv2nat ((_ int2bv 3) 7)))))))))))
(check-sat-using smt)
$ z3 small2.smt2 tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true
Failed to validate 2 25: (= v (map[or] v v)) true
File: ../src/sat/smt/bv_solver.cpp
Line: 656
(C)ontinue, (A)bort, (S)top, (T)hrow exception, Invoke (G)DB
zhendongsu commented 2 years ago

FP and the new core:

[515] % z3debug small.smt2
[516] % z3debug tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true small.smt2
File: ../src/ast/fpa/fpa2bv_converter.cpp
Line: 150
f->get_num_parameters() == 1
(C)ontinue, (A)bort, (S)top, (T)hrow exception, Invoke (G)DB
[517] % cat small.smt2
(declare-fun a () Float16)
(assert (= a ((_ to_fp 5 11) RTN 65535.0 0)))
zhendongsu commented 2 years ago

Refutation unsoundness:

[618] % z3release model_validate=true small.smt2
[619] % z3release tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true model_validate=true small.smt2
[620] % cat small.smt2
(define-fun a ((b Int)) Int 0)
(declare-fun c (Int) Int)
(declare-fun d (Int) Int)
(assert (or true (= a c) (= a d)))
(assert (= 0 0))
(assert (= (d 0) 1))
zhendongsu commented 2 years ago
[531] % z3release tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true model_validate=true small.smt2
Failed to validate 37 230: (<= (select (select e!3 b!0) 1) 0.0) false
[532] % cat small.smt2
(declare-fun a ((Array Int (Array Int Real))) (Array Int (Array Int Real)))
(declare-fun a ((Array Int (Array Int Real)) (Array Int (Array Int Real))) (Array Int (Array Int Real)))
(assert (forall ((b Int) (c Int) (d (Array Int (Array Int Real))) (e (Array Int (Array Int Real)))) (or (= (select (e b) 1) 0) (distinct (select (select (a d d) b) 1) (select (select (a e (a d)) c) 0)))))
merlinsun commented 2 years ago

Seg fault

$ z3release tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true small.smt2
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
$ cat small.smt2
(declare-fun m (Int Int) Bool)
(declare-fun x () Int)
(assert (forall ((e Int)) (distinct (xor (m e 0)) (= 1 (+ x (* e (- 2)))))))


zhendongsu commented 2 years ago

Commit: https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/commit/d3e6ba9f98bd455239ad51bc0a2167fa64dbf72a

[508] % z3release small.smt2 
[509] % z3release tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true small.smt2 
Segmentation fault
[510] % z3debug tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true small.smt2 
Segmentation fault
[511] % z3san tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true small.smt2 
==1956==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: SEGV on unknown address 0x000000000004 (pc 0x55d811ba742b bp 0x7ffe91e77050 sp 0x7ffe91e77010 T0)
==1956==The signal is caused by a READ memory access.
==1956==Hint: address points to the zero page.
    #0 0x55d811ba742a in ast::get_kind() const ../src/ast/ast.h:502
    #1 0x55d811ba742a in is_app_of(expr const*, int, int) ../src/ast/ast.h:1377
    #2 0x55d811ba742a in arith_recognizers::is_numeral(expr const*, rational&, bool&) const ../src/ast/arith_decl_plugin.cpp:699
    #3 0x55d80fefb0e4 in arith_recognizers::is_numeral(expr const*, rational&) const ../src/ast/arith_decl_plugin.h:247
    #4 0x55d80fefb0e4 in mbp::arith_project_plugin::imp::row2expr(u_map<opt::model_based_opt::row> const&, ptr_vector<expr> const&, opt::model_based_opt::row const&) ../src/qe/mbp/mbp_arith.cpp:445
    #5 0x55d80ff053bd in mbp::arith_project_plugin::imp::rows2fmls(vector<opt::model_based_opt::row, true, unsigned int> const&, ptr_vector<expr> const&, ref_vector<expr, ast_manager>&) ../src/qe/mbp/mbp_arith.cpp:517
    #6 0x55d80ff162de in mbp::arith_project_plugin::imp::project(model&, ref_vector<app, ast_manager>&, ref_vector<expr, ast_manager>&, vector<mbp::def, true, unsigned int>&, bool) ../src/qe/mbp/mbp_arith.cpp:390
    #7 0x55d80feeca6e in mbp::arith_project_plugin::operator()(model&, ref_vector<app, ast_manager>&, ref_vector<expr, ast_manager>&) ../src/qe/mbp/mbp_arith.cpp:673
    #8 0x55d80fcfe39e in q::mbqi::solver_project(model&, q::mbqi::q_body&, ref_vector<expr, ast_manager>&, bool) ../src/sat/smt/q_mbi.cpp:318
    #9 0x55d80fd0191e in q::mbqi::check_forall_default(quantifier*, q::mbqi::q_body&, model&) ../src/sat/smt/q_mbi.cpp:190
    #10 0x55d80fd030a5 in q::mbqi::check_forall(quantifier*) ../src/sat/smt/q_mbi.cpp:174
    #11 0x55d80fd0391f in q::mbqi::operator()() ../src/sat/smt/q_mbi.cpp:58
    #12 0x55d80fa6df7f in q::solver::check() ../src/sat/smt/q_solver.cpp:81
    #13 0x55d80fa19600 in operator() ../src/sat/smt/euf_solver.cpp:483
    #14 0x55d80fa19600 in euf::solver::check() ../src/sat/smt/euf_solver.cpp:507
    #15 0x55d81192a3dc in sat::solver::final_check() ../src/sat/sat_solver.cpp:1773
    #16 0x55d81194d340 in sat::solver::basic_search() ../src/sat/sat_solver.cpp:1748
    #17 0x55d81194db61 in sat::solver::bounded_search() ../src/sat/sat_solver.cpp:1735
    #18 0x55d81194eb9f in sat::solver::check(unsigned int, sat::literal const*) ../src/sat/sat_solver.cpp:1344
    #19 0x55d80fa062d9 in sat_tactic::imp::operator()(ref<goal> const&, sref_buffer<goal, 16u>&) ../src/sat/tactic/sat_tactic.cpp:73
    #20 0x55d80fa0a43b in sat_tactic::operator()(ref<goal> const&, sref_buffer<goal, 16u>&) ../src/sat/tactic/sat_tactic.cpp:219
    #21 0x55d8109e02bc in cleanup_tactical::operator()(ref<goal> const&, sref_buffer<goal, 16u>&) ../src/tactic/tactical.cpp:1027
    #22 0x55d8109adf4e in exec(tactic&, ref<goal> const&, sref_buffer<goal, 16u>&) ../src/tactic/tactic.cpp:153
    #23 0x55d8109af8e7 in check_sat(tactic&, ref<goal>&, ref<model>&, labels_vec&, obj_ref<app, ast_manager>&, obj_ref<dependency_manager<ast_manager::expr_dependency_config>::dependency, ast_manager>&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&) ../src/tactic/tactic.cpp:173
    #24 0x55d81081e5d8 in check_sat_core2 ../src/solver/tactic2solver.cpp:229
    #25 0x55d81084205f in solver_na2as::check_sat_core(unsigned int, expr* const*) ../src/solver/solver_na2as.cpp:67
    #26 0x55d81085b2c4 in combined_solver::check_sat_core(unsigned int, expr* const*) ../src/solver/combined_solver.cpp:252
    #27 0x55d81082f7e6 in solver::check_sat(unsigned int, expr* const*) ../src/solver/solver.cpp:318
    #28 0x55d8107a70a5 in cmd_context::check_sat(unsigned int, expr* const*) ../src/cmd_context/cmd_context.cpp:1693
    #29 0x55d8107006a3 in smt2::parser::parse_check_sat() ../src/parsers/smt2/smt2parser.cpp:2611
    #30 0x55d8107006a3 in smt2::parser::parse_cmd() ../src/parsers/smt2/smt2parser.cpp:2953
    #31 0x55d8107006a3 in smt2::parser::operator()() ../src/parsers/smt2/smt2parser.cpp:3162
    #32 0x55d8106b5985 in parse_smt2_commands(cmd_context&, std::istream&, bool, params_ref const&, char const*) ../src/parsers/smt2/smt2parser.cpp:3211
    #33 0x55d80d79c331 in read_smtlib2_commands(char const*) ../src/shell/smtlib_frontend.cpp:144
    #34 0x55d80d770681 in main ../src/shell/main.cpp:381
    #35 0x7f9211f1ac86 in __libc_start_main (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6+0x21c86)
    #36 0x55d80d77d259 in _start (/local/suz-local/software/z3san/build-08312022190913-d3e6ba9/z3+0x1fb259)

AddressSanitizer can not provide additional info.
SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: SEGV ../src/ast/ast.h:502 in ast::get_kind() const
[512] % 
[512] % cat small.smt2 
(declare-fun p (Int) Int)
(declare-fun n (Int) Int)
(assert (= 1 (p 0)))
(assert (forall ((s Int) (t Int) (k Int)) (or (= t 0) (> t 0) (= s (- 1)) (distinct k (n (- (div 0 (p k)) t))))))
NikolajBjorner commented 2 years ago

The remaining open issues

NikolajBjorner commented 2 years ago

The two last issues are open. Others seem handled. Better to open a new issue for those.