Z3Prover / z3

The Z3 Theorem Prover
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[Question]: Meaning of function ending with "0" in uninterpreted function. #6998

Closed hagozaebii closed 10 months ago

hagozaebii commented 10 months ago

Hi, recently, I solved this formula using z3.

(set-info :smt-lib-version 2.6)
(set-logic QF_UFNIA)
(set-info :source |
Generated by: Yoni Zohar
Generated on: 2019-03-18
Application: verifying invertibility conditions
Target solver: CVC4, z3
Publications: "Towards Bit-Width-Independent Proofs in SMT Solvers " by A. Niemetz, M. Preiner, A. Reynolds, Y. Zohar, C. Barrett, and C. Tinelli, CADE-27 (2019).
(set-info :license "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/")
(set-info :category "crafted")
;;(set-info :status sat)

(declare-fun pow2 (Int) Int)
(declare-fun intand (Int Int Int) Int)
(declare-fun intor (Int Int Int) Int)
(declare-fun intxor (Int Int Int) Int)
(define-fun bitof ((k Int) (l Int) (a Int)) Int (mod (div a (pow2 l)) 2))
(define-fun int_all_but_msb ((k Int) (a Int)) Int (mod a (pow2 (- k 1))))
(define-fun intmax ((k Int)) Int (- (pow2 k) 1))
(define-fun intmin ((k Int)) Int 0)
(define-fun in_range ((k Int) (x Int)) Bool (and (>= x 0) (<= x (intmax k))))
(define-fun intudivtotal ((k Int) (a Int) (b Int)) Int (ite (= b 0) (- (pow2 k) 1) (div a b) ))
(define-fun intmodtotal ((k Int) (a Int) (b Int)) Int (ite (= b 0) a (mod a b)))
(define-fun intneg ((k Int) (a Int)) Int (intmodtotal k (- (pow2 k) a) (pow2 k)))
(define-fun intnot ((k Int) (a Int)) Int (- (intmax k) a))
(define-fun intmins ((k Int)) Int (pow2 (- k 1)))
(define-fun intmaxs ((k Int)) Int (intnot k (intmins k)))
(define-fun intshl ((k Int) (a Int) (b Int)) Int (intmodtotal k (* a (pow2 b)) (pow2 k)))
(define-fun intlshr ((k Int) (a Int) (b Int)) Int (intmodtotal k (intudivtotal k a (pow2 b)) (pow2 k)))
(define-fun intashr ((k Int) (a Int) (b Int) ) Int (ite (= (bitof k (- k 1) a) 0) (intlshr k a b) (intnot k (intlshr k (intnot k a) b))))
(define-fun intconcat ((k Int) (m Int) (a Int) (b Int)) Int (+ (* a (pow2 m)) b))
(define-fun intadd ((k Int) (a Int) (b Int) ) Int (intmodtotal k (+ a b) (pow2 k)))
(define-fun intmul ((k Int) (a Int) (b Int)) Int (intmodtotal k (* a b) (pow2 k)))
(define-fun intsub ((k Int) (a Int) (b Int)) Int (intadd k a (intneg k b)))
(define-fun unsigned_to_signed ((k Int) (x Int)) Int (- (* 2 (int_all_but_msb k x)) x))
(define-fun intslt ((k Int) (a Int) (b Int)) Bool (< (unsigned_to_signed k a) (unsigned_to_signed k b)) )
(define-fun intsgt ((k Int) (a Int) (b Int)) Bool (> (unsigned_to_signed k a) (unsigned_to_signed k b)) )
(define-fun intsle ((k Int) (a Int) (b Int)) Bool (<= (unsigned_to_signed k a) (unsigned_to_signed k b)) )
(define-fun intsge ((k Int) (a Int) (b Int)) Bool (>= (unsigned_to_signed k a) (unsigned_to_signed k b)) )
(define-fun pow2_base_cases () Bool (and (= (pow2 0) 1) (= (pow2 1) 2) (= (pow2 2) 4) (= (pow2 3) 8) ) )
;qf axioms
(define-fun pow2_ax () Bool pow2_base_cases)
(define-fun and_ax ((k Int)) Bool true)
(define-fun or_ax ((k Int)) Bool true)
(define-fun xor_ax ((k Int)) Bool true)
(define-fun l ((k Int) (x Int) (s Int) (t Int)) Bool  (intsgt k (intudivtotal k s x) t))
(define-fun SC ((k Int) (s Int) (t Int)) Bool (and (=> (intsge k s 0) (intsgt k s t)) (=> (intslt k s 0) (intsgt k (intlshr k s 1) t))))

(declare-fun k () Int)
(declare-fun s () Int)
(declare-fun t () Int)

;skolemized x for the right-to-left direction
(declare-fun x0 () Int)
(assert (in_range k x0))

(define-fun not_right_to_left ((k Int) (s Int) (t Int)) Bool (and (l k x0 s t) (not (SC k s t))))

(define-fun assertion_rtl () Bool (not_right_to_left k s t))

;general assertions
(assert (>= k 1))
(assert (in_range k s))
(assert (in_range k t))
(assert pow2_ax)

(assert assertion_rtl)


and I got a result as follows:

  (define-fun k () Int
  (define-fun assertion_rtl () Bool
    (let ((a!1 (ite (= x0 0) (- (pow2 k) 1) (div s x0)))
      (a!3 (* 2 (mod t (pow2 (- k 1)))))
      (a!4 (* 2 (mod s (pow2 (- k 1)))))
      (a!5 (* 2 (mod 0 (pow2 (- k 1)))))
      (a!6 (ite (= (pow2 1) 0) (- (pow2 k) 1) (div s (pow2 1)))))
(let ((a!2 (* 2 (mod a!1 (pow2 (- k 1)))))
      (a!7 (ite (= (pow2 k) 0) a!6 (mod a!6 (pow2 k)))))
(let ((a!8 (* 2 (mod a!7 (pow2 (- k 1))))))
(let ((a!9 (and (=> (>= (- a!4 s) (- a!5 0)) (> (- a!4 s) (- a!3 t)))
                (=> (< (- a!4 s) (- a!5 0)) (> (- a!8 a!7) (- a!3 t))))))
  (and (> (- a!2 a!1) (- a!3 t)) (not a!9)))))))
  (define-fun pow2_base_cases () Bool
    (and (= (pow2 0) 1) (= (pow2 1) 2) (= (pow2 2) 4) (= (pow2 3) 8)))
  (define-fun x0 () Int
  (define-fun s () Int
  (define-fun t () Int
  (define-fun pow2_ax () Bool
    (and (= (pow2 0) 1) (= (pow2 1) 2) (= (pow2 2) 4) (= (pow2 3) 8)))
  (define-fun pow2 ((x!0 Int)) Int
    (ite (= x!0 0) 1
    (ite (= x!0 1) 2
    (ite (= x!0 2) 4
    (ite (= x!0 3) 8
    (ite (= x!0 17) 0
  (define-fun div0 ((x!0 Int) (x!1 Int)) Int
    (ite (and (= x!0 18) (= x!1 4)) 4
  (define-fun mod0 ((x!0 Int) (x!1 Int)) Int
    (ite (and (= x!0 18) (= x!1 4)) 2
    (ite (and (= x!0 4) (= x!1 0)) 13
    (ite (and (= x!0 0) (= x!1 0)) 0
    (ite (and (= x!0 18) (= x!1 0)) 17
    (ite (and (= x!0 9) (= x!1 19)) 9
    (ite (and (= x!0 9) (= x!1 0)) 10
  (define-fun intand ((x!0 Int) (x!1 Int) (x!2 Int)) Int
  (define-fun intor ((x!0 Int) (x!1 Int) (x!2 Int)) Int
  (define-fun intxor ((x!0 Int) (x!1 Int) (x!2 Int)) Int

I found that there were div0 and mod0 even though there were no functions like that. I guess those were from div and mod used in other uninterpreted functions (e.g. bitof). If it is true, I am curious about why the model has to have values about div and mod. I think div and mod mean functions defined in smtlibv2. Why does z3 interpret those functions like uninterpreted functions?

Thanks for your time!

NikolajBjorner commented 10 months ago

div0 and mod0 are the functions that give meaning to div and mod when the second argument is 0. div/mod are uninterpreted when the second argument is 0. To represent the meaning at 0 z3 introduces uninterpreted functions that can be used in models. The interpreted functions are not used in models. You will have the axiom (div0 x 0) = (div x 0) enforced.