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[Question]: z3 py in overflow checking for bit-vectors #7221

Closed hagozaebii closed 1 month ago

hagozaebii commented 1 month ago

Hello, recently, I want to use overflow checking functions in z3py.

I can understand bvsaddo and bvuaddo are corresponding to BVAddNoOverflow(signed=True), BVAddNoOverflow(signed=False) each. However, I cannot find functions corresponding to bvssubo and bvusubo. Even though there is a function BVSubNoOverflow however, it does not have singed argument. And, there is a function BVSubNoUnderflow with signed argument. So, I am very confused of what to use for overflow checking in z3 py.

If you are okay, can I know what functions correspond to overflow checking functions?(bvsaddo, bvuaddo, bvssubo, bvusubo, bvsmulo, bvumulo, bvsdivo, bvsnego)

Thanks for your time!

NikolajBjorner commented 1 month ago

Those functions, bvsaddo, bvuaddo, bvssubo, bvusubo, bvsmulo, bvumulo, bvsdivo, bvsnego, were defined in smtlib2 much later than overflow support was added to z3. We haven't created python variants of these or exposed them to build terms. You can add a pull request to add them. The relevant files are in src/api/api_bv.cpp and src/api/z3_api.h and the corresponding python files.