Z3d0X / filament-fabricator

Block-Based Page Builder Skeleton for your Filament Apps
MIT License
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Layout not found when using artisan queue:work #111

Closed yonex68 closed 7 months ago

yonex68 commented 7 months ago


I'm encountering a strange issue, as the "php artisan queue:work" command always fails when adding a job to the default queue:

Exception: Filament Fabricator: Layout 'default' not found in file C:\xampp\htdocs\filament-test-export\vendor\z3d0x\filament-fabricator\src\Http\Controllers\PageController.php on line 31

The job is using spatie/laravel-export which crawls the urls of the website. When using the commands "php artisan queue:work --once" and "php artisan queue:listen", everything is fine, but running "php artisan queue:work" will throw the exception above, although the layout has been created by running "php artisan filament-fabricator:layout DefaultLayout".

Do you have any clue of what can cause this error?


Z3d0X commented 7 months ago

This was fixed in v2.0.3 pls update your plugin version

yonex68 commented 7 months ago

All plugins are up to date... Still have the error:



yonex68 commented 7 months ago

I've put some logs in Http\Controllers\PageController.php:


And the getLayoutFromName('default') function returns null

Z3d0X commented 7 months ago

composer show z3d0x/filament-fabricator

yonex68 commented 7 months ago


jydevgit commented 7 months ago

I have exactly the same bug in a similar environment.. have you an idea?