Z3d0X / filament-fabricator

Block-Based Page Builder Skeleton for your Filament Apps
MIT License
252 stars 48 forks source link

Draft Pages #69

Open Z3d0X opened 1 year ago

Z3d0X commented 1 year ago

opt-in feature for draft/publish states

alexfaus08 commented 9 months ago

@Z3d0X What are the implementation details you are thinking of? Would it be a boolean is_draft attribute on the Page Model or maybe a date published_at attribute where the page is only live if the date is not null / and it's currently past that date?

If you have implementation details in mind and are willing to let me work on this, let me know. This feature would greatly benefit my use of Fabricator!

Z3d0X commented 9 months ago

I am thinking of published_at way, but along with a draft_blocks.

draft_blocks will be updated if you edit an existing page. Then you have to "publish" those changes (in this process, draft_blocks will be copied to blocks). You can also "discard" draft_blocks.

This way you can make changes to a already published page, without the change immediately showing up on the frontend.

Thank you for your interest and offer for help, I would love the help, you could get started on published_at implementation.