ZAB909 / ChapterMaster

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Sprite/visual related edits #291

Closed EttyKitty closed 2 months ago

EttyKitty commented 3 months ago

New features:

  1. Blue librarians.
  2. Weapons will be drawn with narthecium now. I'm not sure why it was necessary to strictly disable that. Yeah, it doesn't look perfect but still okay.

Not visual edits:

  1. Gave all honor guards artificer armor, as per tabletop rules and lore. Partly to explain why they have visually different armor. They are not numerous, so shouldn't affect balance much.
  2. Gave all chapter masters and captains an iron halo. As per lore, rules and stuff. Shouldn't affect balance much as well.

Under the hood edits:

  1. Small refactors to various parts of the code that improve readability or fix indentations.
  2. Refactored unit draw script a bit, to fix arm drawing bugs and improve readability.
  3. Refactored chapter colors and shader customization to improve readability and maintainability. ( ( (
  4. Somewhat refactored terminator hands/arms/weapon drawing code/logic. Still not perfect and can be streamlined, I just couldn't bother with it anymore. ( (
  5. Grouped marine viewer sprites a bit better(?). (

Sprite work:

  1. A new iron halo sprite.
  2. A new force staff sprite.
  3. A new chainfist sprite.
  4. Some minor sprite edits.
  5. A new thunder hammer sprite.
  6. A new heavy flamer sprite.
  7. A new champion helmet.
  8. A new laurel helmet accessory. For now used on champions and captains.
  9. A new heavy flamer sprite for terminators.
  10. A new assault cannon sprite for terminators.


  1. Artificer armor sprite adjustments: Added recoloring support to it and fixed some visual bugs.
  2. Fix MK4 and MK6 pauldrons having the wrong "white" index that prevented them from being recolored.
  3. Add recoloring support to some weapons that previously were always black/white.
  4. Adjustments and fixes to Dante and his honor guard sprites. Centering them, fix their hands, remove old custom masks.
  5. Terminator armor heavy weapon arms joint color fix. It was affected by the recolor shader and should've stayed black.

Edits to global chapter colors:

  1. Less yellow and more golden gold color. Previously it was looking very yellowish.
  2. Less toxic yellow color. It was very toxic looking. Very out of place.
  3. Lighter dark gray color. Was very close to black, merging with the outlines.
  4. A bit lighter black color. Was also merging with the outlines.
  5. Two new colors, exclusively for Dark Angels and Salamanders. Much more lore friendly. Used the official GW painting guide to find the closest and best looking colors.

Uncategorized edits:

  1. A bit more golden Blood Angels "Gold" for their arms on honor guard. Was copper/poop colored before.
  2. Techmarines use the global chapter red color index.
  3. Specialist color adjustments and colored pauldron.
  4. Yellow Lamenters and less "McDonalds" Imperial Fists.
  5. Champions will no longer use honor guard sprites. Instead they just have a custom "knight" helmet.