ZATiTech / open_planner

Integrated open source planner and related tools for autonomous navigation of autonomous vehicle and mobile robots
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OpenPlanner bridge not building #9

Closed MarioAlmelaUMH closed 1 year ago

MarioAlmelaUMH commented 1 year ago

OS: Ubuntu 20 (Focal Fossa) ROS: ROS 2 Galactic CARLA: 0.9.13 Autoware: Universe (ROS 2 Galactic branch) GCC: 9.4.0 CMake: 3.25.2

Hello, I’m trying to use this bridge to connect CARLA 0.9.13 with Autoware (ROS Galactic version). Whenever I try to build the bridge, I get this error when trying to buid the package ‘traffic light selector’: decltype cannot resolve address of overloaded function


I’ve tried to add the parameter -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17, as I saw on the internet, but the error prevails. I’ve also tried to build every other package except ‘traffic light selector’ using –packages-skip, but then other packages start breaking:


Is something wrong with rclcpp? I have two ROS distros installed (foxy and galactic), is that the reason?

Thank you in advance.

hatem-darweesh commented 1 year ago

I don't know ! How this is related to the bridge ?! can you build autoware.universe without the bridge ?

MarioAlmelaUMH commented 1 year ago

I can. I have the ROS Galactic version of Autoware already installed and working. However, when I use the command colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release inside the OpenPlanner bridge's folder, two modules (traffic_light_selector and system_monitor) doesn't build.

MarioAlmelaUMH commented 1 year ago

Ok, I've figured it out. I updated the autoware.repos file present in the bridge with the autoware.repos file present in regular Autoware. The versions of the repositories were different, and on update, the bridge built normally, just like regular Autoware. Thank you anyway for your help.

Eisoc commented 1 year ago

Hello, I also use autoware-galactic branch, can you successfully engage at the end?