ZBoylan / 3DPrinterUI

CS 350 - UI team
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Mac - Gui control locking with P3D mode #7

Open GeorgeVentura opened 6 years ago

GeorgeVentura commented 6 years ago

I noticed the gui buttons, sliders,..etc were locking up on 4f1e568b77657ed1213f7e9946e7a8377235c02f

I can resolve the issue by changing:

public void settings(){
    size(1000,700,P3D);    // must be P3D to render

back to:

public void settings(){
    size(1000,700,JAVA2D);    // must be P3D to render

but the render won't work in JAVA2D mode.

can anyone else confirm the bug?

ZBoylan commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I noticed this too. Same result.

Just a problem on Mac's though? Seems to work fine for Zaid and Rebecca.

ZBoylan commented 6 years ago

Known issue on the official Processing repo
