ZDoom / Raze

Build engine port backed by GZDoom tech. Currently supports Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Redneck Rampage and Powerslave/Exhumed.
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[BUG] [General] Segmentation fault (core dumped) #1054

Closed SissiHermanni closed 5 months ago

SissiHermanni commented 6 months ago

Raze version


Which game are you running with Raze?


What Operating System are you using?

Linux x86_64

Please describe your specific OS version

Linux Mint 20.3

Relevant hardware info

GTX 1070

Have you checked that no other similar issue already exists?

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Raze portable linux crashes with following error message in terminal: Segmentation fault (core dumped) The last version which doesn't have this problem is 1.7.1.

Steps to reproduce the behaviour.

Explain how to reproduce

  1. Download Raze 1.9.1-linux-portable
  2. Extract tar and try to run raze via terminal ./raze -iwad blood || or duke.gpr, doesn't matter which game.
  3. Get error message about segmentation fault.

Your configuration

No response

Provide a Log

Raze doesn't give error log for this problem.

madame-rachelle commented 6 months ago

Does it give you a crash log? - While it won't help for finding out what's wrong inside the program, it at least can tell us if it is inside the program or if it's one of the libraries.

SissiHermanni commented 6 months ago

Nope. .config/raze only has raze.log and grpcrccache.txt. Or is it in somewhere else?

madame-rachelle commented 6 months ago

No, you'd need gdb installed and then it would just put it out on the screen (I think). There won't be much useful info there other than telling us whether it crashes inside of Raze or inside of one of the loaded modules.

SissiHermanni commented 6 months ago
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from ./raze...
(No debugging symbols found in ./raze)

I think this says nothing, or I used it wrong. I found raze coredump inside systemmd/coredump/

madame-rachelle commented 6 months ago

Don't worry about it then. Until we get more information from an actual debug build, there isn't much we can do. The Linux binaries are always stripped prior to shipping because they tend to get rather big if shipped with symbols.

michaelneverwins commented 6 months ago

With Raze 1.9.1 on Linux Mint 21.2, I get a segmentation fault when trying to run Blood or Cryptic Passage, but this doesn't happen with Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, and Exhumed, and doesn't happen with Raze 1.8.1, so maybe it isn't the same problem. But, in case it is the same problem, I do have a crash log to upload.

Interestingly, I don't get the crash log if I just run raze and let the shell find the program. For context, I unpacked raze-v1.9.1-linux-portable.tar.xz into ~/.local/lib/raze/raze-v1.9.1-linux-portable and then made a link to ~/.local/lib/raze/raze-v1.9.1-linux-portable/raze in ~/.local/bin (which is in $PATH), and running raze generally works (and I can see that it's running version 1.9.1). However, if I run raze this way and select Blood with this version, I get

*** Fatal Error ***
!!! Failed to exec debug process
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

in the terminal, whereas if I give the whole path (i.e. if I explicitly run either ~/.local/bin/raze or ~/.local/lib/raze/raze-v1.9.1-linux-portable/raze), or if I cd to ~/.local/lib/raze/raze-v1.9.1-linux-portable and run raze there, I get

*** Fatal Error ***
Address not mapped to object (signal 11)
Address: 0x8

in the terminal and a crash log. I don't even know if the former behavior is a sign of a bug or just that I set things up badly, but I thought it was interesting.

Anyway, here's the crash log, with my username and hostname redacted (replaced with USER and HOSTNAME respectively): raze-crash.log

Whether this will do any good, given the previous comment and the fact that I'm not using a debug build, I don't know. But it's something.

Note that my hardware isn't the same as @SissiHermanni's. The machine I'm using right now has an AMD Radeon HD 7950 — which already seems to have trouble doing Vulkan with the portable Linux releases of Raze 1.8.1 and newer (#1017), so I'm setting my links back to Raze 1.7.1 for now.

Edit: The Address not mapped to object error above looks like the one described in #1056, so it's possible that these issues are the same.