Closed siyuch-fdu closed 4 years ago
Are you using 3 gpu, but with the distributed training disabled?
Could you try with distributed training enabled? as here: and distributed turned on. Distributed training for multi-gpu training (even on single machine) is faster.
I didn't test the non-distributed version before. I guess the problem is caused by the different behavior of DataParallel and DistributedDataParallel. If you really need to use DataParallel, I can try my best to help if you share you training scripts.
I really appreciate your kindly help. I have tried distributed training before, but it was not work. Fortunately, distributed training is working well on 2-GPUs today, and I think I can make it on 3-GPUs later.
Besides, could you teach me how to use LMDB. I have installed LMDB, but the code always remind me that "LMDB not found" as below. This caused the GPU and CPU utilization very low.
2020-05-13 07:43:55,403-{}-INFO-LMDB not found. This could affect the data loading time. It is recommended to use LMDB.
I have checked whether I got the "lmdb_env_annot_dir" and "lmdb_env_annot_dir", but I didn't found them in my youtubeVOS dataset directory.
Could you please help me figure this problem out? Thank you!
I didn't use the LMDB either. I think not suing lmdb should be fine cause the loaded data will be cached as .pkl
Hi, I have disabled the distributed training when I use multi-GPU training. But there appears a bug, which point to the different value between "len(proposal_cur)" and "x.shape[0]" in I have printed the value of "len(proposal_cur)" and "x.shape[0]" as below. By the way, this bug didn't appear when I use single GPU training. Can you help me to figure this bug out? Thanks a lot!
(dmm) $:~/Experiments/DMM_Net$ sh scripts/train/ 2020-05-12 08:23:18,754-{}-INFO-[model_name] ytb_train_x101 2020-05-12 08:23:18,755-{}-INFO-get number of gpu: 3 2020-05-12 08:23:20,180-{}-INFO-[load_DMM_config] dmm/configs/train.yaml 2020-05-12 08:23:20,185-{}-INFO-ud relax_max_iter 400 -> 10|ud relax_proj_iter 50 -> 5 2020-05-12 08:23:25,200-{}-INFO-[load_DMM_config] dmm/configs/train.yaml 2020-05-12 08:23:25,208-{}-INFO-ud relax_max_iter 400 -> 10|ud relax_proj_iter 50 -> 5 2020-05-12 08:23:25,213-{}-INFO-{'sort_max_num': 50, 'matching_score_thre': 0.0, 'score_weight': 0.3, 'relax': 1, 'relax_max_iter': 10, 'relax_proj_iter': 5, 'relax_topk': 0, 'relax_learning_rate': 0.1, 'matching': {'match_max_score': 1, 'algo': 'relax', 'cost': 'cosine'}, 'encoder': {'nms_thresh': 0.4}} 2020-05-12 08:23:25,342-{}-INFO-load from json_data; num vid 3000 2020-05-12 08:23:25,342-{}-INFO-init model 6.586 2020-05-12 08:23:25,344-{}-INFO-optimizer 0.002 2020-05-12 08:23:25,344-{}-INFO-[enc_opt] len: 2; len for each param group: [48, 314] 2020-05-12 08:23:25,344-{}-INFO-[dec_opt] len: 1; len for each param group: [10] 2020-05-12 08:23:25,352-{}-INFO-save args in experiments/models/ytb_train_x101/05-12-08-23args.pkl 2020-05-12 08:23:25,352-{}-INFO-Namespace(augment=True, base_model='resnet101', batch_size=4, best_val_loss=0, cache_data=1, config_train='dmm/configs/train.yaml', dataset='youtube', davis_eval_folder='', device=device(type='cuda', index=0), distributed=0, distributed_manully=0, distributed_manully_Nrep=0, distributed_manully_rank=0, dropout=0.0, epoch_resume=0, eval_flag='pred', eval_split='trainval', finetune_after=3, gpu_id=0, gt_maxseqlen=5, hidden_size=128, imsize=480, iou_weight=1.0, kernel_size=3, length_clip=3, load_proposals=1, load_proposals_dataset=1, local_rank=0, log_file='train.log', log_term=False, loss_weight_iouraw=1.0, loss_weight_match=1.0, lr=0.0001, lr_cnn=1e-05, lr_decoder=0.001, mask_th=0.5, max_dets=100, max_epoch=2, max_eval_iter=800, maxseqlen=5, min_delta=0.0, min_size=0.001, model_dir='experiments/models/ytb_train_x101', model_name='ytb_train_x101', models_root='experiments/models/', momentum=0.9, my_augment=False, ngpus=3, num_classes=21, num_workers=4, only_spatial=False, only_temporal=False, optim='adam', optim_cnn='adam', overwrite_loadargs=1, pad_video=0, patience=15, patience_stop=60, pred_offline_meta='../data/ytb_vos/splits_813_3k_trainvaltest/meta_vid_frame_2_predid.json', pred_offline_path=['./experiments/proposals/coco81/inference/youtubevos_train3k_meta/asdict_50/videos/'], pred_offline_path_eval=['experiments/proposals/coco81/inference/youtubevos_val200_meta/asdict_50/pred_DICT.pth'], prev_mask_d=1, print_every=2, random_select_frames=1, resize=True, resume=False, resume_path='epoxx_iterxxxx', rotation=10, sample_inference_mask=0, save_every=3000, seed=123, shear=0.1, single_object=False, skip_empty_starting_frame=1, skip_mode='concat', test=0, test_image_h=256, test_image_w=448, test_model_path='', threshold_mask=0.4, train_h=255, train_split='train', train_w=448, translation=0.1, update_encoder=1, use_gpu=True, use_refmask=0, weight_decay=1e-06, weight_decay_cnn=1e-06, year='2017', youtube_dir='../../databases/YouTubeVOS/', zoom=0.7) 2020-05-12 08:23:25,353-{}-INFO-init_dataloaders 2020-05-12 08:23:25,527-{}-INFO-[dataset] phase read train; len of db seq 3000 2020-05-12 08:23:25,527-{}-INFO-LMDB not found. This could affect the data loading time. It is recommended to use LMDB. 2020-05-12 08:23:25,527-{}-INFO-no cache data found at data/ytb_vos/splits_813_3k_trainvaltest/dmm_cached_train.pkl; it will take a while to cache the data 2020-05-12 08:29:53,807-{}-INFO-try to dump in data/ytb_vos/splits_813_3k_trainvaltest/dmm_cached_train.pkl 2020-05-12 08:29:56,467-{}-INFO-+new_parts 200: 1.6958227157592773 2020-05-12 08:30:07,352-{}-INFO-+new_parts 200: 12.146138191223145 2020-05-12 08:30:58,266-{}-INFO-load lmdb 452.77 2020-05-12 08:31:22,048-{}-INFO-filtered images out -> 444 for #vid 3000 2020-05-12 08:31:23,869-{}-INFO-[init][data][youtube][load clips] load anno 25.58; cliplen 3| annotation clip 26261(skip 59)| videos 3000 2020-05-12 08:31:24,195-{}-INFO-load keys 0.33 2020-05-12 08:31:24,196-{}-INFO-INPUT shape: 255 448 2020-05-12 08:31:24,316-{}-INFO-[trainval] loading offline from experiments/proposals/coco81/inference/youtubevos_val200_meta/asdict_50/pred_DICT.pth; Nf ['experiments/proposals/coco81/inference/youtubevos_val200_meta/asdict_50/pred_DICT.pth'] 2020-05-12 08:31:36,170-{}-INFO-+new_parts 200: 11.853206157684326 2020-05-12 08:31:36,178-{}-INFO-load offline use 11.86 | len 200 2020-05-12 08:31:36,180-{}-INFO-[dataset] phase read trainval; len of db seq 200 2020-05-12 08:31:36,196-{}-INFO-LMDB not found. This could affect the data loading time. It is recommended to use LMDB. 2020-05-12 08:31:36,196-{}-INFO-no cache data found at data/ytb_vos/splits_813_3k_trainvaltest/dmm_cached_trainval.pkl; it will take a while to cache the data 2020-05-12 08:31:57,003-{}-INFO-try to dump in data/ytb_vos/splits_813_3k_trainvaltest/dmm_cached_trainval.pkl 2020-05-12 08:31:57,383-{}-INFO-load lmdb 21.20 2020-05-12 08:31:57,399-{}-INFO-filtered images out -> 0 for #vid 200 2020-05-12 08:31:57,421-{}-INFO-[init][data][youtube][load clips] load anno 0.04; cliplen 3| annotation clip 800(skip 6)| videos 200 2020-05-12 08:31:57,424-{}-INFO-load keys 0.00 2020-05-12 08:31:57,425-{}-INFO-INPUT shape: 255 448 2020-05-12 08:31:57,425-{}-INFO-dataloader 512.072 2020-05-12 08:31:57,427-{}-INFO-epoch 0 - trainval; 2020-05-12 08:31:57,427-{}-INFO--- loss weight loss_weight_match: 1.0 loss_weight_iouraw 1.0; Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 413, in
File "", line 285, in trainIters
loss, losses = trainer(batch_idx, inputs, imgs_names, targets, seq_name, starting_frame, split, args, proposals)
File "/home/csy/anaconda3/envs/dmm/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 493, in call
result = self.forward(*input, kwargs)
File "/home/csy/anaconda3/envs/dmm/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/", line 152, in forward
outputs = self.parallel_apply(replicas, inputs, kwargs)
File "/home/csy/anaconda3/envs/dmm/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/", line 162, in parallel_apply
return parallel_apply(replicas, inputs, kwargs, self.device_ids[:len(replicas)])
File "/home/csy/anaconda3/envs/dmm/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/", line 83, in parallel_apply
raise output
File "/home/csy/anaconda3/envs/dmm/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/", line 59, in _worker
output = module(*input, *kwargs)
File "/home/csy/anaconda3/envs/dmm/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 493, in call
result = self.forward(input, kwargs)
File "/home/csy/Experiments/DMM_Net/dmm/modules/", line 112, in forward
CHECKEQ(len(proposal_cur), x.shape[0])
File "/home/csy/Experiments/DMM_Net/dmm/utils/", line 27, in CHECKEQ
assert(a == b), 'get {} {}'.format(a, b)
AssertionError: get 2 1
len(proposal_cur): 2
x.shape[0]: 1
len(proposal_cur): 2
x.shape[0]: 1