ZFIN / zebrafish-anatomical-ontology

Ontology describing the anatomy of Danio rerio from a single cell to adult fish. The namespace of the ontology is zebrafish_anatomical_ontology the prefix is ZFA. Updates to ZFA are released every other month. A subset of the ZFS http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/zfs.obo is packaged with this ontology.
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alar plate #91

Open cerivs opened 11 years ago

cerivs commented 11 years ago

ZDB-PUB-120105-73 Recent studies support a segmental forebrain bauplan with three prosomeres (P1–P3) (reviewed in [1]). Based on morphology and gene expression the alar plate of the diencephalon is divided into the prethalamus (P3), thalamus (P2), and pretectum (P1). The epithalamus including epiphysis and habenular nuclei are part of P2.

[1] Kiecker C, Lumsden A (2005) Compartments and their boundaries in vertebrate brain development. Nat Rev Neurosci 6: 553–564.

Developmental relations will be needed for the prosomeres. New terms: alar plate diencephalon prosomere prosomere 1 prosomere 2 posomere 3

Original comment by: cerivs

cerivs commented 10 years ago

Brain workshop

Original comment by: cerivs

cerivs commented 10 years ago

Comments welcome on uberon def of prosomere:

id: UBERON:0014775
name: prosomere
def: "A neuromere that is part of the presumptive forebrain" []
synonym: "future prosencephalon" RELATED []
synonym: "forebrain segment" BROAD []
synonym: "segment of forebrain" BROAD []
intersection_of: UBERON:0004731 ! neuromere
intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0006240 ! future forebrain

Original comment by: cmungall