ZFIN / zebrafish-anatomical-ontology

Ontology describing the anatomy of Danio rerio from a single cell to adult fish. The namespace of the ontology is zebrafish_anatomical_ontology the prefix is ZFA. Updates to ZFA are released every other month. A subset of the ZFS http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/zfs.obo is packaged with this ontology.
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ZFA:0001056 ! myotome #98

Closed cerivs closed 9 years ago

cerivs commented 12 years ago

[Term] id: ZFA:0001056 name: myotome def: "Portion of the somites giving rise to body wall muscle masses." [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576] synonym: "myomeres" EXACT [ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-961014-576] xref: TAO:0001056 xref: ZFIN:ZDB-ANAT-020702-14 is_a: ZFA:0005145 ! muscle relationship: develops_from ZFA:0000155 ! somite relationship: end ZFS:0000044 ! Adult relationship: part_of ZFA:0000473 ! trunk musculature relationship: start ZFS:0000023 ! Segmentation:1-4 somites

this structure seems to be simultaneously a somite (which is undifferentiated, and in some definition an epithelial vescile) and a type of muscle, part of the trunk musculature.

I think there should maybe be two classes here: the somitic component and the muscle that it gives rise to. The term "myotome" itself it seems can mean both:


Perhaps sometimes the term "myomere" is used for the muscle; e.g. http://www.fishbase.org/Glossary/Glossary.php?q=myomeres&language=english&sc=is

But I'm not sure this usage is consistent.

I'm marking this as lowest priority - what is in ZFA essentially works if you read "myotome" as being a grouping class for both the developing structure and the muscle it gives rise to.

Fixing this will be hard because of all the named precursors. If you decide to split the classes, I'd recommend looking at the representation in EHDAA2 and perhaps waiting til after the AOs as a group decide on the best representation (I believe the early stages are conserved, though the adult musculature varies across taxa).

Original comment by: cmungall

cerivs commented 12 years ago

Somite development Review- PubMed: 11066087 DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS 219:287–303 (2000)

muscle cell specification, muscle precursor cells PubMed: 8951054 Development 122(11):3371-3380

Original comment by: cerivs

cerivs commented 12 years ago

from dictionary of ichthyology myotome = one of the embryonic or adult lateral muscle segments of the body. myomere = a lateral, W-shaped muscle segment of the body, separated from its neighbours by fibrous connective tissue. The upper central point of the "W" is directed anteriorly. Superficial fibres are separated from deeper ones, the former being red muscle or musculus lateralis superficialis with smaller fibres and more blood vessels, and the latter white muscle or musculus lateralis profundus. The two layers are separated by a septum of fibrous connective tissue. Red muscle is thickest at the lateral line, thinning dorsally and ventrally. Myomeres attach to the myocommata and thus indirectly to the vertebrae. Some are supported by neural and haemal spines. These myomeres are the muscles used in movement.

myoseptum= 1) the transverse membrane between the lateral muscle segments of the body; myocommata.

Original comment by: cerivs

cerivs commented 12 years ago

Problem myotome is both embryonic and adult. It is derived from the somite and is part of the somite. It is also part of the adult metamer Myotome means muscle body which makes sense of how it is used. it is the muscle portion of each body segment of the zebrafish.

The somite doesn't disappear it metamorphoses into the adult structures.

Somites are visible when the presomitic plate is epitheliazed. Somites give rise to the axial skeleton and the skeletal muscle of the trunk. The fish somite is thus predominantly myotome, with sclerotome a relatively minor component. PubMed: 11066087 Slow muscle cells are fated before the somite forms. Fast muscles are fated at the same time as somite formation and are called myotomal cells at that time IBID.

Original comment by: cerivs

cerivs commented 12 years ago

Changed definition to- Muscle that develops from somite and gives rise to body wall muscle masses. This is consistent with our develops from and part of tree. myotome relations starts 1-4 somites ends adult Is_a muscle develops from somite.
part of truck musculature

Original comment by: cerivs

cerivs commented 12 years ago

changed definition to better match term. relations.

Original comment by: cerivs

cerivs commented 12 years ago

Original comment by: cerivs

cerivs commented 11 years ago

In current release.

Original comment by: cerivs

cerivs commented 11 years ago

Original comment by: cerivs