ZFTurbo / MVSEP-MDX23-music-separation-model

Model for MDX23 music separation contest
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BUG: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES value is ignored (for chosing which GPU to use) #44

Open ThomasBaruzier opened 2 weeks ago

ThomasBaruzier commented 2 weeks ago


I'd like to run the program in parralel using CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 and CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1, with no success. Whatever the value, the first GPU is always selected. Is there a workaround or a possible solution?

Thank you

ZFTurbo commented 2 weeks ago

Change GPU Id on the 7th line of code: https://github.com/ZFTurbo/MVSEP-MDX23-music-separation-model/blob/main/inference.py#L7

ThomasBaruzier commented 2 weeks ago

May I do a PR to support CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES?

ZFTurbo commented 2 weeks ago

Yes You can

ThomasBaruzier commented 2 weeks ago


Another unrelated question Is it normal that --large_gpu sometimes exceeds 24gb vram on headless linux? I'm using default settings