ZFTurbo / Weighted-Boxes-Fusion

Set of methods to ensemble boxes from different object detection models, including implementation of "Weighted boxes fusion (WBF)" method.
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Open ozanpkr opened 2 years ago

ozanpkr commented 2 years ago

I wanna use this repo with mmdetection result.I edited Json and converted to CSV format.However I get 0 for mAP and Recall. I can share my csv and ground_truth.json files via drive link.In addition you can see my detection output for model_1 below; out_det

You can see json2csv script on below;

with open('fsaf_r50.csv', 'w', encoding='UTF8',newline='') as ff:
    writer = csv.writer(ff)
    for i in range(0,len(data)):



            normalized_arr = preprocessing.normalize([real_data])

            csv_data = [int(image_id), normalized_arr[0][0],normalized_arr[0][1],normalized_arr[0][2],normalized_arr[0][3], data[i]['score'],data[i]['category_id'],]

I think normalization process is wrong my code or ground_truth.json configuration is false.Could you help me ? You can access all code with this URL:


Could you normalize this bbox? format=[x1,y1,width,height] !!!(x1,y1) refer to upper left [148,186,72,96] =??

ZFTurbo commented 2 years ago

You need to convert boxes in x1, y1, x2, y2 format, then normalize (using image width and height).

xn1 = x1 / image_width
yn1 = y1 / image_height
xn2 = (x1 + width) / image_width
yn2 = (y1 + height) / image_height

then you can apply WBF.

ozanpkr commented 2 years ago

You need to convert boxes in x1, y1, x2, y2 format, then normalize (using image width and height).

xn1 = x1 / image_width
yn1 = y1 / image_height
xn2 = (x1 + width) / image_width
yn2 = (y1 + height) / image_height

then you can apply WBF.

Thanx for quick reply :) I'll let you know about results