ZFTurbo / Weighted-Boxes-Fusion

Set of methods to ensemble boxes from different object detection models, including implementation of "Weighted boxes fusion (WBF)" method.
MIT License
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Speed up find_matching_box bottleneck #48

Closed bartonp2 closed 2 years ago

bartonp2 commented 2 years ago

When using weighted boxes fusion with a couple thousand detections it quickly becomes very slow requiring significantly longer than the inference. The bottleneck turned out to be the find_matching_box function which is called n*n times for n detections. Vectorisation of this function with numpy speeds up the function by a factor of around 100 and makes the weighted boxes fusion time negligible next to the inference time.

ZFTurbo commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that for example_oid.py I observe the speed up. 285 sec before -> 242 sec after. Not x100 but something. )

Great work!

bartonp2 commented 2 years ago

I guess it becomes more prominent with more detections per image since it scales quadratically.

ZFTurbo commented 2 years ago

For COCO benchmark it's even better: https://github.com/ZFTurbo/Weighted-Boxes-Fusion/tree/master/benchmark

1055 sec vs 643 sec. Speedup almost x2 times. Probably it's because there are more models to ensemble.

ZFTurbo commented 2 years ago

I think more vectorization could lead to GPU implementation which will be faster than CPU. My previous attempt with PyTorch failed.