idea: ingester proposes type/format, e.g. is map. is graph/sos, is 3d etc., no CSW request to get more details here, but add button/funvtion "explore full" -> which then causes CSW request and based on full md_metadata build either map or whatever
Alex update: 02/03/2017:
For now, add more info from the MdMetadata JSON into the DetailModalView, incl:
[x] don't call the modal button "See Full Details", only See Details (because from that JSON we don't know yet full CSW MD_Metadata record details, only what comes from ingester at that moment)
[x] Attribution (text attribution) (comment SR used organization)
some logic regarding links, e.g.
[x] not just have Download icon, but some request info text and something about going to publishers/origin site, indicating we leave the page here and actually down't down load (target=_blank), not in footer but in main panel body
idea: ingester proposes type/format, e.g. is map. is graph/sos, is 3d etc., no CSW request to get more details here, but add button/funvtion "explore full" -> which then causes CSW request and based on full md_metadata build either map or whatever
Alex update: 02/03/2017:
For now, add more info from the MdMetadata JSON into the DetailModalView, incl:
[x] don't call the modal button "See Full Details", only See Details (because from that JSON we don't know yet full CSW MD_Metadata record details, only what comes from ingester at that moment)
[x] add authors if available
[x] add dates if available
[x] add license if available
add lineage if available(comment SR not in ingester AK: 22/03/2017[x] Attribution (text attribution) (comment SR used organization)
some logic regarding links, e.g.
And "Add to collection" button necessary! AK: 22/03/2017