ZHAW-PM4-Compass / compass

A time-, mood- and incident tracking application for Stadtmuur called Compass 🧭
MIT License
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As a developer I want to have a fully defined Codecove flow #82

Closed x-snackage-x closed 1 month ago

x-snackage-x commented 2 months ago

Further Details Codecov reports are now integrated in the PR workflow and are delivering results but some decisions and refinements/configurations are still outstanding.

Estimate S Storypoints

Tasks Checklist

x-snackage-x commented 2 months ago

Team decided to have initially have a target of 70% with a threshold of 5% for both sub components of the application. If the coverage reaches 80% over the coming release than the target will be increased to 80%.

r44cx commented 1 month ago

Replace JESTER with Playwright Test Coverage https://github.com/mxschmitt/playwright-test-coverage

x-snackage-x commented 1 month ago

Codecov workflow is set and functional but two points remain open:

  1. Codecov ignore seems to not ignore set paths
  2. Due to point 1 and resulting coverage inflation the PR gate has not been set at the agreed on 80% coverage.