ZHU-Zhiyu / NVS_Solver

Source code of paper "NVS-Solver: Video Diffusion Model as Zero-Shot Novel View Synthesizer"
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How much hours will demo.sh run? #17

Open htlee79 opened 4 days ago

htlee79 commented 4 days ago

I am running demo.sh to learn NVS solver. My machine also has RTX A6000. Now it was running at some point with estimated time is 138 hours.

This demo.sh has multiple processes so may require several weeks to be completed. Is it right? Can you share the running time?

mengyou2 commented 4 days ago

Hi, thanks for your interest in our project.

The demo.sh contains several process for single, multiple, dynamic views. You can run corresponding code for which type of image you would like to process. One inference ,e.g. python svd_interpolate_single_img.py --image_path "$IMG_PATH" --folder_path "$DIR_PATH" --iteration 1 --major_radius 60 --minor_radius 70 --degrees_per_frame 1.0 --lr 0.02 --weight_clamp 0.2 takes about 1 hour. And the DGS mode takes about 6 minutes.

htlee79 commented 4 days ago

I am more interested with single video. How long did it take?

mengyou2 commented 3 days ago

NVS-Solver (DGS) takes 6 minutes for rendering 25 views, while NVS-Solver (Post) uses 1 hour.