Closed DyedBamboo closed 1 year ago
The error occurs when I compile in Debug mode.
@DyedBamboo I also encountered the same problem, did you finally solve it?
May I know how did you solve this problem then?
May I know how did you solve this problem then?
I solved this problem by using catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release instead of catkin_make
@Luoyuhao12345 我这样编译后还是会报REQUIRED process [rviz-2] has died,只不过程序不会直接die了,然后一直显示no map update,请问您有遇到这种情况吗?
When I use 2D Nav Goal in RVIZ to trigger the planning, RVIZ exits and throws the following error: I'm using ROS noetic The eigen version is 3.3.7