ZJU-Robotics-Lab / GEM

GEM: Online Globally consistent dense elevation mapping for unstructured terrain.
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Questions about the visualization #11

Closed zhanghua7099 closed 2 years ago

zhanghua7099 commented 2 years ago

Hi! Thank you for your good work.

I built this project, but the visualization may have some problems for my computer. I use your provided test.bag, but I only get odometry results. The point clouds didn't have any visualization. The rviz received the pcd message, but it can't output it.

2021-12-01 16-08-19 的屏幕截图

Could you please tell me how to fix this bug? I use Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS noetic.

zhanghua7099 commented 2 years ago

By the way, can you provide some details about running KITTI dataset like your demo videos?

MaverickPeter commented 2 years ago

Hi!@zhanghua7099 Thanks for following our work. Is there any output in the GEM terminal? Can you provide a screenshot of the terminal? I'll try to find out what happened.

zhanghua7099 commented 2 years ago

I try to debug it through rostopic echo /elevation_mapping_0/robot0/visual_map. This topic didn't publish any messages. The similar situation occurs at these topics: 2021-12-02 16-08-49 的屏幕截图

After I run the command: roslaunch elevation_mapping_demos simple_demo.launch 2021-12-02 16-14-03 的屏幕截图

This may be the reason why the elevation map is not displayed.

zhanghua7099 commented 2 years ago

The point cloud of the lidar sensor can be visualized in rviz.

MaverickPeter commented 2 years ago

@zhanghua7099 You can return to the commit a359d011bf5f11e26cf0e330ecc4a3e82f590a76. I'll try to fix this bug ASAP.

zhanghua7099 commented 2 years ago

I have tried the commit a359d01. It still has similar errors.

Thank you for helping me!

zhanghua7099 commented 2 years ago

In the commit a359d01, the error message will be printed after I play the rosbag.

In the current commit, the error message will be printed after I run the command directly: roslaunch elevation_mapping_demos simple_demo.launch

MaverickPeter commented 2 years ago

Hi @zhanghua7099 I test the newest version on my own computer and everything goes well. There are some changes in ROS noetic since I just test it on Kinetic and Melodic. Or you may try to update the repo since I've added some code to fit c++14.

zhanghua7099 commented 2 years ago


Thank you for your hard work. I have tried the new version. After I change the launch file, the code can be run.

Unfortunately, the updated version still has some errors related to CUDA programming: addKernel launch failed: an illegal memory access was encountered

I didn't know what's wrong with my computer. I use CUDA 11.3 with cudnn 8.2.

2021-12-04 18-53-14 的屏幕截图

MaverickPeter commented 2 years ago

@zhanghua7099 You can try to reboot the machine. If it doesn't work, you may have to change the parameters in filter_kitti.launch to downsample the point cloud to < 20000 points.

zhanghua7099 commented 2 years ago

Hi! I changed the compilation options of CUDA. This CUDA error could be solved.


Just change the arch and code of the GPU can fix this error: SET(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS ${CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS};-O3;-std=c++14 -gencode arch=compute_86,code=sm_86) The index of GPU could be checked on the nvidia website. It will be helpful for using RTX 30XX series.

By the way, I recommend adding C++14 to all CmakeLists files if using PCL.

Thanks a lot!

leslieburke commented 2 years ago

Hi! I changed the compilation options of CUDA. This CUDA error could be solved.


Just change the arch and code of the GPU can fix this error: SET(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS ${CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS};-O3;-std=c++14 -gencode arch=compute_86,code=sm_86) The index of GPU could be checked on the nvidia website. It will be helpful for using RTX 30XX series.

By the way, I recommend adding C++14 to all CmakeLists files if using PCL.

Thanks a lot!

I got the same problem, and I tried to change the arch and code of the GPU but catkin make failed. Can you help me? Thanks a lot. 2022-06-21 11-41-20屏幕截图 2022-06-21 11-41-53屏幕截图

MaverickPeter commented 2 years ago

@leslieburke Hi, can you paste the complete error information, it may appear at the beginning of the build process.