ZJU-lishuang / yolov5_prune

yolov5 prune,Support V2, V3, V4 and V6 versions of yolov5
Apache License 2.0
557 stars 136 forks source link

python -c "from modelsori import *; convert('cfg/sar-yolov4-csp.cfg', 'weights/sar2-best.pt')" #20

Closed lccui closed 3 years ago

lccui commented 3 years ago

loaded weights from weights/converted.weights

let's test the original model first: Class Images Targets P R mAP F1: 0%| | 0/174 [00:00<?, ?it/s] 转换出来的.weights不能测试,这是为什么

lccui commented 3 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "shortcut_prune_sar_yolov4_csp.py", line 295, in percent_limit = (sorted_bn==highest_thre).nonzero().item()/len(bn_weights) ValueError: only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars 通道剪枝时,会发生上述错误

lccui commented 3 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "shortcut_prune_sar_yolov4_csp.py", line 437, in init_weights_from_loose_model(compact_model, pruned_model, CBL_idx, Conv_idx, CBLidx2mask) File "E:\detect\yolov5_prune-main\utils\prune_utils.py", line 370, in init_weights_from_loose_model input_mask = get_input_mask(loose_model.module_defs, idx, CBLidx2mask) File "E:\detect\yolov5_prune-main\utils\prune_utils.py", line 267, in get_input_mask mask = CBLidx2mask[route_in_idxs[0]] KeyError: 108 也会发生这个错误

lccui commented 3 years ago


ZJU-lishuang commented 3 years ago

loaded weights from weights/converted.weights

let's test the original model first: Class Images Targets P R mAP F1: 0%| | 0/174 [00:00<?, ?it/s] 转换出来的.weights不能测试,这是为什么


ZJU-lishuang commented 3 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "shortcut_prune_sar_yolov4_csp.py", line 295, in percent_limit = (sorted_bn==highest_thre).nonzero().item()/len(bn_weights) ValueError: only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars 通道剪枝时,会发生上述错误


ZJU-lishuang commented 3 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "shortcut_prune_sar_yolov4_csp.py", line 437, in init_weights_from_loose_model(compact_model, pruned_model, CBL_idx, Conv_idx, CBLidx2mask) File "E:\detect\yolov5_prune-main\utils\prune_utils.py", line 370, in init_weights_from_loose_model input_mask = get_input_mask(loose_model.module_defs, idx, CBLidx2mask) File "E:\detect\yolov5_prune-main\utils\prune_utils.py", line 267, in get_input_mask mask = CBLidx2mask[route_in_idxs[0]] KeyError: 108 也会发生这个错误


lccui commented 3 years ago


lccui commented 3 years ago

将prune_utils.py中的get_input_mask()函数中有关spp的mask=CBLidx2mask[route_in_idxs[0]]改为mask=CBLidx2mask[route_in_idxs[-1]]上面的keyerror错误消失了,但是出现了新的错误 shortprune*.py中compact_forward_time, compact_output = obtainavg...()会报错, runtimeError:Given groups=1,weight of size[64, 12, 3, 3],expected input[1,20,256,256]to have 12 channels,but got 20channels instead

ZJU-lishuang commented 3 years ago


lccui commented 3 years ago


ZJU-lishuang commented 3 years ago
