ZJUEarthData / Geochemistrypi

an open-sourced highly automated machine learning Python framework for data-driven geochemistry discovery
MIT License
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First Good Issue Template #324

Open Jin-sjh opened 8 months ago

Jin-sjh commented 8 months ago

Name: Issue Template
About: This is a template for issue submission. Please modify it according to the specific content.
Title: ''XXXX"
Labels: First Good Issue
Assignees: ''XXXX"

Issue Type

Please select the type of issue you are submitting:
1. Bug Report
2. Feature Request
3. Documentation Feedback
4. Security Vulnerability Report
5. Problem Discussion
6. Collaboration Proposal
7. Version Release
8. Contribution Guidelines
9. User Support
10. Other (Customize by you)

Issue Description

Provide a detailed description of the issue, feature request, or discussion topic, or provide reproduction steps,etc.

Expected Behavior

Describe the behavior you expected (if it's a bug report) or the expected implementation of the feature (if it's a feature request).

Current State

Describe the actual behavior observed or the current state.

Screenshots/Logs/Example Code (optional)

If possible, please provide relevant screenshots, logs, example code, etc.

Environment Information(optional)

Other Context/Notes

Provide any additional context information or notes about the issue here.


Please write down your thoughts or suggestions on this issue here.


Email or others.

Jin-sjh commented 8 months ago


swati9star commented 6 months ago

What's the issue? What's to be done?